Susan Sutherland
Welcome to Wake Up with Susan.
I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I have been on a journey of remembering who I am under the layers of programming and limiting beliefs and stepping into my divine path. I am a seeker and have an incredible desire to learn and grow and hope that I can provide some shortcuts for you. You can have some cliff notes through my studying of modalities, healing practices, and my work with my guides.
I love to interview amazing people in this spiritual space so that we can learn together from healers, channels, readers, and various specialists.
I am a married mom of 2 boys and a girl, 3 cats, and a dog.
I am a Gemini sun, Aries moon and Virgo Rising. I am a 6/2 Emotional manifesting generator. I am an Intuitive Energy Healer and an Akashic Record Reader.