Wake Up with Susan


Susan Sutherland

It is tricky to know how to truly love yourself when so many of us are taught that we are born sinners and that we have to earn the love of God and our place in Heaven.  There is no greater lie than thinking that anything you do, have done, believed or chosen can put you outside of All that Is.  It is impossible, yet this gameboard of separation has us feeling like we are faulty and must work hard to be worthy of being loved and accepted.  And has us spending a lifetime feeling shame for the times we screwed up.

Nope.  Not so.  Time for a rewrite.  You - the perfect essence that provides life to the game token body you play with is perfect.  And nothing you can do, say or believe can make you less than that.  And when you stop identifying with the image of the fallen, imperfect human and can understand yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience, you can look at everything that makes you who you are with curiosity and acceptance instead of judgement and shame.  

Imagine a God giving you free choice and then punishing you for the choices.  For allowing you to experience a beautiful life in a Hindu family and then damning you to hell for not being baptized Christian.  It is okay to question what you were taught.  It is ok to believe that a God that is love allows us to come and experience and grow in this dimension where we can safely experience all of the octaves without compromising our perfect nature.  You are made in his image - you too are love.  From the first day.  Without earning or doing anything.  It is who you are.

(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.(0:09) So let's do it together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. (0:14) I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.We are all called to rise up above our conditioning (0:21) and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi, family.Thanks for joining me today. We are going to pause for a minute before we go (0:34) forward with our self-discovery journey to talk about self-compassion. Because if you don't (0:42) understand how to truly love yourself, how to embrace everything that you can find, (0:49) then the self-discovery process is a little heavier and a little harder.And it can be a fun, (0:57) a fun scavenger hunt where you are just learning more about who you are, how you are made, (1:05) what kind of, you know, strengths and vulnerabilities you inherited from your (1:12) ancestral line or from your karmic balancing or from your previous soul's journey. But the more (1:20) you really understand how to take that on objectively, the more you can embrace the (1:30) whole journey and not be afraid to peek under the covers or look behind the door because (1:38) there's nothing that you can find that is not welcome back to the whole. But we really have (1:46) to understand that because if you're like me and you were raised in the South, in the church, (1:53) then you, it doesn't matter how great your church was.I had a really wonderful church. I had a (1:58) really wonderful family. I still grew up knowing, knowing, quote unquote, that I was born a sinner.(2:07) And this got me two weekends ago. I went to a funeral and the minister (2:15) was talking about how we are born sinners. And I think he even called us dirty rats at one point, (2:23) which I found a little alarming.But he was talking about how his three-year-old granddaughter (2:30) is a sinner because she never asked him what he wants. It's all about her. This three-year-old (2:38) never thinks of his needs, which is not like God.So she must be a sinner. And it just really (2:46) made me understand why we are the way we are. Why we feel so much guilt and so much shame (2:55) for who we are.It's because we're taught to feel guilty and feel shameful about who we are. (3:01) This poor little three-year-old who couldn't make Pawpaw lunch if she wanted to is now being like (3:08) publicly shamed. I mean, she doesn't know it.I'm just kidding about that. But because she doesn't (3:14) ask Pawpaw what he needs. And it's just like the programming that we receive that we are born (3:21) bad has got to be undone.And when you undo it and can really understand what this life is, (3:31) you don't have to feel shame or guilt about the choices you made. I mean, Maya Angelou kept it (3:38) super simple when she says, when you know better, you do better. But really understanding that (3:43) you're always operating at the consciousness level that you have, that you are, there are no (3:51) bad decisions.But I want to talk about that today because it makes when you find out information, (3:59) we're going to speak to somebody about gene keys and understanding your natal chart and how even (4:05) the astrology blueprint can give you a better understanding of perhaps karmic debts that you (4:11) are here to balance. And working with Ulrika in the Galactic Astrology, it was about even (4:21) karmic patterns for the collective and ancestral. And if you always think you're being punished (4:27) because you're bad, you're never going to really want to peek and find out.There's not a curiosity (4:36) if you think that if you think the boogeyman is under the bed, you're not going to want to look (4:42) there. And what I'm telling you is you can't find anything outside of God anywhere. So that's what (4:49) I want to talk to you about today, because you're not dirty rats, you guys, you're just not dirty (4:53) rats.And I think A Course in Miracles has been really wonderful for me. I'll tell you that (5:01) sometimes Jesus is long-winded in those lessons. And it does feel like a little bit of circle (5:07) talking where he goes around and around.Sometimes I think just to repeat the lesson over and over, (5:13) but a lot of times it seems, I called it mansplaining the other day, where he's just (5:19) explaining something round and round, but in such terminology that is like, y'all are not going to (5:25) screw up what I'm saying here. But it's been really good to understand what this experience (5:33) is, who we are and who we aren't, and who we are is the essence. You are the consciousness that is (5:43) breathing life into this body, but you are not this body.And there's a lot of references in (5:49) A Course in Miracles notes helping us understand it, that this is, you know, a game we are playing. (5:58) They either talk about it as being a stage and we are the actors, or a game, and your body is the (6:05) game token. And so this is essentially your meat suit that you're wearing for this experience.(6:12) But when you can understand that and really (6:17) detach a little bit, not avoidance, you're not avoiding your emotions, you're not avoiding (6:25) your experiences, you are able to observe them. And you are the observer of the person who is (6:35) having these experiences. That's what your consciousness is.Derek Grant talks about (6:41) if you are playing a level, and you're playing a level as Luigi, and then it, you know, you're not (6:49) getting as far as you'd like, you might play the level as Mario. And so essentially you came into (6:55) this life as Mario. Now you are neither Mario nor Luigi.You are the gamer that chose these options. (7:03) And so it's really important in your self-acceptance journey to know that you are (7:11) not your body. You are not this egoic personality that you chose to come and experience in this (7:19) lifetime.And when you can understand that and observe, like, okay, what are Susan's tendencies? (7:28) What are Susan's strengths? When I chose this birth date, this birth place, these birth parents, (7:38) what was, I'm thinking now of like one of those games back in the day where you could pick (7:45) somebody and they would have like four times strength, two times speed, one times health, (7:53) you know, whatever it is. But you are basically lining up your experience. And when you can see (7:59) it that way, you can really curiously know.You can really look with curiosity to try to figure (8:09) out, all right, what was I trying to experience here? What were, what were the hurdles that I (8:14) put on the track for me to jump over? And that is a really fun way to play the game, you guys, (8:21) because if you, if you go onto that track and you think you are the character and you're like, (8:27) holy crap, why are there so many hurdles? That is, that's the hard route. That is the hard route. So, (8:34) better you are at experiencing your emotions and your situations from a really elevated level.(8:44) Not that you're avoiding, but you say, I'm experiencing sadness today. What is this sadness (8:52) trying to teach me? And it's not to teach you not to have the sadness, but it allows you to lean (9:01) into your emotion when you do not feel like you are then going to identify that, identify with (9:08) them. You are not going to become a sad person.You are having a day in which you are experiencing (9:16) sadness, which is very, very different. And so then you can say, all right, is my body communicating (9:24) that I need rest? Is there something I need to process? What is going on in my relationships (9:31) that perhaps needs addressing? But when you remove yourself out of identifying with emotion (9:38) or identifying with experience or, you know, with the, this always happens to me, (9:45) this never happens to me, that kind of verbiage where you are so entrenched in your day-to-day (9:53) experiences, you guys, you're not any of those things. You're not any of those things.You are (10:00) a consciousness that existed well before you chose this game token, this meat suit to wear (10:09) for this lifetime. And you will exist well after this. And there is nothing you can do in this (10:17) lifetime that makes your being less perfect.You are just here as an expression of God, (10:25) as an expression of the divine, to experience things in a new way, in a different way, (10:32) to challenge yourself with different relationships and different environments and different (10:41) experiences. All of this is just a means of learning. And so when you can stop identifying (10:48) in the moment with the experience, this is who I am.This is how I always will be. This is how my (10:55) mother was. So this is how I am going to be.Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You (11:00) are none of those things. You are just the consciousness that chose this game token.(11:07) And so to explore who you are is to map out. It's like if they gave you 12 avatars to choose from, (11:16) and you chose the princess in the purple dress with a gold crown, but you don't know what that (11:23) means. What did it mean to choose the princess? What are the attributes that make up who she is? (11:30) Perhaps she is the best swimmer.You don't know that until you explore, but allow it to be a fun (11:39) exploration because you are just trying to understand more about your character, about (11:46) who you are. And you wouldn't be mad at this princess if she's not also the best long jumper. (11:56) It may require you trying to jump over the hot lava one time, and then it's like princess goes (12:03) straight down into the hot lava.And you're like, okay, that's not a good idea. I'm going to take (12:08) this tube down to the water level and I'm going to swim under the hot lava. I wish y'all could see (12:15) the little Nintendo game I'm playing in my mind as I tell you this, but I hope it's translating.(12:21) I hope you are old school Nintendo people too. But I'm saying the princess needs to drop and (12:26) go through the water, but you might not know that until you take her swimming. You might not know (12:31) that until you try to jump across the lava to learn what are her strengths and what are her (12:39) struggles.But you wouldn't get mad at her for not being a long jumper. It would just be like, (12:45) okay, I understand that that's part of this character. And so when you can start seeing (12:51) yourself objectively, like this is the avatar that I chose.And the more I explore with this avatar, (13:00) the more I can really understand what my strengths are, what my struggles are. Your triggers are your (13:07) teachers. And so they are there to help you say, oh, okay, there's something here for me to learn.(13:16) But when you start on a self-discovery journey to really, really dig into what makes you who (13:25) you are, what are the things that you were programmed by your church, by your school, (13:31) by your parents, by your society, by your country, by all of it. It is so beautiful when you can do (13:38) it at the understanding that I, I, I love that I chose this game token. I want to know so much (13:47) about her.Why is she like this? And there's no judgment there. I'm reading a Paul Selig book and (13:57) it had the most beautiful passage and I wrote it down. It says, there is nothing you could do (14:05) or could have ever done.Nothing you could have ever believed or chosen that can put you outside (14:14) of the love of God. It cannot be so. And so when you are reflecting back, when those triggers come (14:22) up and you were reflecting back at what happened when you were young, when were you made to feel (14:29) shame about being sexual or about not being smart enough or about not being athletic enough, (14:38) whatever those triggers are, when you can see it as a self-discovery journey in which you have the (14:47) most self-compassion for everything that could possibly be there, because nothing you could (14:53) have done, nothing you could have believed is outside of God.And that goes for, there are a lot (15:01) of people now with a very different understanding about the equality of people than they may have (15:09) had 10 years ago or 20 years ago or 30 years ago. It does not mean that when they had beliefs (15:17) that would put them somehow superior to others, that they were out of outside of God at that time. (15:24) They were operating in the consciousness level that they had, but they were still using an avatar (15:31) that had limited understanding and still exploring to hopefully gain greater understanding.(15:40) That's not outside of God. When you act in a way that is even violent to someone else, (15:48) that can create a lot of guilt and a lot of shame as you know better. But the important thing (15:55) is that you know better.And so carrying guilt and shame about an instant that is long gone (16:02) does not serve you. The importance in A Course in Miracles is what we're doing is understanding (16:10) that forgiving others for anything that they may have done because they were also not outside of (16:16) God is also in turn forgiving yourself because we screw up all the time in the terms of what we're (16:24) doing. But if you see it as I am just learning, I'm just growing, and sometimes in order to see (16:32) what I should do, I have to experience what I shouldn't do.But then you can start to love (16:40) yourself. Love the portions of yourself that really screwed up. The portions of yourself that (16:48) experimented in ways you're not proud of or shut down other people who you judged for how they (16:56) were acting.We can just all know that we are growing and expanding in consciousness and we (17:03) needed all of those levels. We needed all of those experiences to say, you know what, that doesn't (17:10) resonate with me anymore. And because of that, I'm more understanding when other people (17:16) are narrow-minded and need to grow.Like I was once like you. Or when they really have (17:24) struggling in their relationship and you know because you've gone through that too. (17:29) It is just part of our understanding and none of it is who you are because you are not your body.(17:37) You are not your personality. This is just an expression. This is your game token to act out (17:44) in this lifetime for your own growth, for your own pleasure.So I'm not saying there's not (17:52) consequences for your actions. That's the karmic wheel that we're on is we're creating this balancing (17:59) of energies as we as we you know take action. There will be a balancing of that energy in this (18:08) or later lives.So it's not like you can come out here and do whatever you want to. I'm just saying (18:14) you can't do anything outside of God because it it I was talking to my stepmom this weekend (18:21) um and just kind of about how I believe and um she was questioning you know child molesters or (18:33) you know don't I think they burn in hell which I do not I don't believe in hell at all. I believe (18:39) there's a karmic debt to be paid but I believe that that that soul is perfect whole and complete (18:50) just as I am and so the actions that their avatar is taking in this lifetime will create a karmic (18:57) balancing but the soul is still perfect and so I do not believe that anyone is cast outside of God (19:06) because I don't think God which again I do not believe God is some old white dude in a white (19:14) robe I think is divine intelligence the source of all creation and I don't think that provides (19:21) you free choice and then punishes you for using it.That doesn't make sense to me at all. It's like (19:28) here oh like those those videos where you put candy in front of kids and then you tell them (19:35) they can't have it for for five minutes or something and then you know that you videotape (19:39) the kids sneaking the candy. I don't think our kind God that is only love does that.It's like (19:45) here I'm going to give you all of the temptation and then punish you for taking it which is you (19:51) know the the first parable of the bible is to be tempted and then we take the temptation and then (19:58) are cast out forever. I don't believe any of that okay. I believe we have free choice to learn (20:05) because you can learn from the bad.You can learn from the good. You can learn from health. You can (20:12) learn from sickness.You can learn from wealth. You can learn from being poor. You can learn from (20:18) all of it and I don't think any lesson is you know bad or good in God's eyes.Now I do think (20:28) as a collective we are given opportunities to do better. We are given new opportunities to (20:37) handle things in a new way, in a higher way, in a more cohesive way and we are challenged to do that (20:46) but a lot of times you need some bad apples in order for God who deals with bad apples. (20:53) Like I thought maybe I would put farmers in there dealing with them but I'm just seeing an apple (20:58) cannon where we shoot them off.So maybe that's what it is. Somebody develops the apple cannon (21:03) and it's like from these bad apples we do not waste them. We make five bucks on three apples (21:09) and we shoot them off and kids have a grand time and the farm makes money.I really went astray (21:15) with that and I'm gonna leave it anyway but what I'm saying is we're given we're given opportunities (21:21) as a collective people to address situations in a higher way, in a new way and and that's a good (21:30) thing but it doesn't mean that that anybody is outside of God. That any choice that we make is (21:39) somehow not God's choice because as we learn in A Course in Miracles our will is God's will. (21:47) We are we are source.We are here making our choices as the divine beings that we are (21:59) and that's just it and so when you can look at every choice that you've ever made, (22:05) anybody you've wronged, anybody that has wronged you, any anything there's nothing you have ever (22:13) done that is outside of God and when you can start seeing that then as we go on our self-discovery (22:20) journey as you do inner child work you are able to see that little child and welcome them back (22:30) into your hole and say you know what I'm sorry that I cast you out that you were shamed for what (22:36) you did that you were made to feel wrong or dirty or like a little sinner for not asking (22:44) Pawpaw what he wanted for lunch but I'm welcoming you back because for me you are perfect whole and (22:50) complete and we are one and so I really challenge you to start loving yourself. Start loving (22:59) everything you've ever done is just a component of who you are. Can you imagine having a puzzle (23:06) a beautiful puzzle and thinking that the the black pieces the shadows didn't contribute to (23:14) its perfection that you only wanted the puzzle pieces that were flowers or were brightly colored (23:21) that wouldn't make a good good puzzle you need all of them you need all of the pieces to make the (23:27) whole and so you have to welcome them back and you have to do that by by understanding that none of (23:34) them are bad they were part of your learning experience it was you figuring out that the (23:39) princess cannot jump she can't jump and that way you have to learn that she's going to go in the (23:47) water but start seeing the mistakes you've made as just opportunities to learn and that will make (23:56) the self-discovery journey so much more fun and so much better better meaning you will find more (24:05) by not being afraid to open the doors to look under the bed to say oh wait a second this is (24:12) triggering me there's something for me here something's going on here I really want to look (24:18) at this or hey Susan why are you getting this upset at a basketball game that your kid's not (24:24) playing in like it's really important to welcome the messages welcome the understanding that can (24:32) come from your triggers that can come from your your emotions and your feelings when you're open (24:39) to those lessons because you know that there's nothing that you can find that is not welcome (24:45) home there is nothing you could have ever done and nothing you can ever do nothing you could ever (24:53) believe that is outside of God and when you understand that it is self-discovery journey is (25:01) a scavenger hunt like let's just go find the pieces this is fun let me just go see what what (25:07) little Susan left behind um and it doesn't you're not you're not picking scabs here this is not (25:15) picking scabs this is saying I want to know every bit about this avatar that I chose because (25:24) maybe maybe the princess is the best rope climber in the game but if I'm not willing to go to the (25:32) level where you you jump from I think it's Donkey Kong actually does the ropes but whatever where (25:38) you go rope to rope to rope to rope like how will I ever know if I'm not willing to explore it so (25:45) um I really need to try some new games but anyway I hope you are ready to embrace yourself ready to (25:56) embrace all of yourself and know that your puzzle's not complete without those shadow pieces (26:02) that there's nothing wrong with them there's nothing bad about them they are part of your (26:08) perfect whole complete self and we need them so I love you and I really hope that you love (26:17) yourself and I hope you have a great week and I'll talk to you again next week thank you so (26:23) much for joining me this week be sure to not miss any upcoming episodes by subscribing to the podcast (26:30) that way it's available automatically in your RSS feed this is a crazy journey let's do it together

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