Wake Up with Susan

Nudges from Spirit

Susan Sutherland

Tuning into your body, your emotions and your triggers is a great way to really get to know yourself.  But one of the most amazing cheat codes that helped me on my journey has been working with intuitives.  Now I am able to help others on their journey and it is so incredible to be able to witness the progress in healing, abundance, relationships and living in alignment that a session with Spirit can provide. 

This episode is a conversation with the amazing Paulina and her experience unlocking herself to be freely her. 

If you are ready to activate your cheat code and book a session - do so  HERE
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(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.(0:09) So let's do it together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. (0:14) I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.We are all called to rise up above our conditioning (0:21) and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi, Felina.Thanks for joining me today to talk about having an intuitive reading (0:35) and getting those nudges from spirit. Hi, Susan. Thank you for inviting me to your podcast.I'm (0:41) really happy to be here with you and talk about this. This is amazing. (0:45) What's been really cool for me is on my awakening journey and coming to the place where I am now, (0:53) I had some readings that had nuggets in them that I felt really either shifted my thinking, (1:05) gave me confidence, but just kind of awakened a new part of me.And they were so instrumental (1:14) in just being comfortable with who I was becoming or actually remembering who I always was. (1:22) But it's been really interesting now that I'm doing readings for other people (1:29) that I get to watch that unfoldment for them after a reading. And you have been like a prime example (1:36) of having a reading with somebody and then just watching a flower blossom.And that's how (1:44) it has felt watching you kind of open up and embrace who you really are. But it's like you (1:53) just needed this tiny little nudge to just go for it. Oh, my God.This reading came just on time. (2:01) It was a perfect, divinely orchestrated message. And at that point, I was sending the intention (2:09) to guide me further.And then you've said about your service. And I remember on that day, (2:16) I was cleaning. I was getting ready for a full moon in Virgo.And I moved the couch, (2:21) which I usually don't do with your couch. And I moved the couch and I found a feather. I used (2:28) to have a bracelet here with a feather.And I just, first time I didn't click. What is this? (2:33) So I found that feather and I was like, oh, it's here. And then we talked.And then, wow, (2:40) that has a double meaning for sure. And ever since, all of what you've told me, what was the (2:48) message, I just took it on board. I just took it on board straight away.It took me maybe 48 hours (2:54) to kind of like sit and just settle. And where there's like questions and I just like, I fully (3:01) flow into it. And the messages and the indications and the guidance was literally everything what I (3:07) needed at that point.So I took it. I took it as a divine guidance and I'm doing it now. And I'm (3:15) embracing myself to step into my powers, to step into the divinity and to step into who I really (3:23) am.And just cut the crap, as they say, because there is lots of noise in the head, (3:31) lots of noises. And I was so reassured what I'm doing and the direction where I'm going. (3:38) And that's what happened for me.There were just a couple, here's a cat. There was a couple (3:44) of readings that I had and one of the ladies kind of sees a thermostat of energy and (3:53) probabilities. And so when she told me, she was like, basically, it's a hundred percent that you're (4:00) going to do this work.So you might as well rip the Band-Aid off. Like this is not one of those (4:05) where this is a maybe you might do this. It's like it's a hundred percent.So you can either lean (4:12) into it or you can carry on resisting for 10 years, but you're going to do it. And so it's not like (4:19) the next day I was like, Hey, I'm intuitive. I'm doing readings.It took a little while, (4:24) but that message plays over and over for me all the time where it's like, you're going to do it. (4:30) So stop being chicken. But I definitely had some of those experiences where, and it's always (4:36) perfectly timed.It is always perfectly timed for when I need that little push. And I'm the same (4:43) with you where I hear it during a reading, but I feel it over the next few days where those words (4:52) just kind of come on board and you're like, okay, okay. I understand now.So I'm so excited for your (5:01) experience and I can, I just see it. I see the energy shift in how you present yourself and I'll (5:09) share with everybody because you didn't know this reference, but my American listeners will know (5:16) that they, they called you a rainbow bright on rainbow bright roller Derby or something like (5:23) that. Roller skates.Yes. And so for me, like rollers, roller skates and roller Derby is (5:33) fun and contact and like there's a power and a fun side to it. And rainbow bright is colorful (5:44) and vibrant and exciting.And I think when we all have these people we're watching and, you know, (5:52) you take on people that you like and your, your mentors, but you think, okay, well, if I'm going (5:59) to do it, I have to do it their way. And this seemed very much like Paulina's way is meant to (6:07) be vibrant and energetic and exciting. And just to see you kind of take that on and be like, (6:16) hell yeah, I'm rainbow bright.It's funny when you said that, because for first, as I said, (6:21) the first couple of days, I was like, I don't even like funny enough. I was like, my favorite color (6:27) is black. So like, it wasn't, are you sure this message is for me? Like, you know, I was a little (6:32) bit like, okay, this is a brilliant idea.And that's literally something what I love to do. (6:38) And then I started going back after that message. I was like, I always like to play magic.I always (6:43) like to play spells. I always like to create, you know, environment and the space for elements to (6:50) come. And I had lots of experience with that energy.And that goes back to when I was like (6:55) 11 or 12, or something like that. And then it was obviously suppressed by the society, (7:02) by the narrative by this is hocus pocus, and that doesn't work. And you know, it's invisible.(7:09) And when I got this encouragement, when I got this, that's confirmation, this is really who I (7:14) am. And this is my heart speaking. I just said, like, if they are saying this, no one can stop (7:20) me.Like, I got this thought overnight, to just like, go, go and do it. Because as you say, (7:26) we always look up to the mentors, we always look up to the people who are listening. (7:31) And we are on that journey.And the question is, like, what is my gift? What is my gift, (7:35) but that is so clouded. And, and, and it's like, almost, we can't see it because of the narratives (7:41) because of the trends, because of what's going on, because of our own blockages, because someone is (7:47) already doing it. I'm not quite there.And obviously, the moment when I got like the message, (7:54) who I should follow as an inspiration, I reach out to this girl, I reach out, I say, I don't (7:58) know what's going on. But angels told me to follow you. And I cannot tell you because that's like, (8:04) that's kind of like developing on the side what I'm doing with her.So (8:09) Ah, isn't that amazing? You know, spirit kind of said for you to be childlike, and what you love (8:17) is dancing and moon rituals and getting people together. (8:26) Sorry, to create a party. And, and have a good time, like have a good time (8:35) in your spirituality, that it doesn't have to be heavy and deep and dark, you like you can have a (8:41) little party dancing.And Christina, whose spirit told you to follow has been on my show before. (8:49) And so listeners can can listen back to the Kristin, Christina Amador episode. She's totally (8:58) lovely.But she has this truly vibrant personality. And what she excels at is getting (9:05) people together to do really fun spiritual things. But adding playfulness back into development, (9:13) like we can't all be in the throes of this inner child work being deep all the time, we have to (9:20) bring this child aspect.And it was like, that's you, Paulina, that is you, you're the person for (9:27) this. Oh, I love that. I love that.And quite frankly, like I, I had this feeling and it was (9:33) all like puzzling together because I did the astrology reading, the birth chart reading with (9:38) Matthew Chaps, Divine 369, if anyone wants to follow. And his insight, and also Rob Solo, (9:45) who who actually triggered this whole avalanche, he asked me uncomfortable question. And everything (9:51) when I was, this is, this is just divine.And all I need to do is just trust. And often we think (10:00) when we when we think of it in a work or in a child healing, it's it feels heavy, it feels like (10:07) this is going to be difficult, like it's going to be dark. And sometimes it may be that way.But the (10:14) message what I got, and that's the beautiful message I want to share with everyone, don't be (10:19) afraid to go and collect those sparks and this glam, because this is how you're going to design (10:26) your dress, and you're going to shine. And that just so beautifully summarized, like we shouldn't (10:33) really be afraid is not something what is supposed to destroy us by something what's (10:40) supposed to help us. And all that spirit team behind us is here to support us.And once we (10:46) actually allow ourselves to to be that flow and to go with the flow and to to follow these signs (10:54) and synchronicities, miracles are happening. So I cannot tell you, we had that reading for (10:59) one beer ago, so about a month ago, within this month, I had a so many shift of perspective, (11:06) so many moments when I actually step into my power, and I embrace myself at the same time. (11:13) And every now and then when I feel discouraged, or I was like, okay, they got you, they got you, (11:18) they're here, they are here, and they just so clapping right now.So yeah, that's just a beautiful (11:25) go and collect. Yes. So yeah, so spirit told you that, I mean, you've done a lot of work, (11:32) you have done so much work, but we get nervous, almost like I'm in a good place.Why am I going (11:39) to do any more heat? Like, let me not go look for the scabs. And so that's what they said, is (11:45) see it as a treasure hunt. You've already got your outfit, go find your sparkles, go bedazzle (11:51) your your little dress.And I thought that was really beautiful too. And spirit often uses (12:01) sessions to bring through messages for me, but probably not as often as candidly as they did (12:09) in your reading, where it was like, you're both going to do release, and you need to do it like (12:14) you don't already know everything, which I thought was, was bold. Thanks, spirit for reminding me.(12:24) That's exactly what it was. I thought I don't need it, because I already know (12:28) these stuff. And I've done the work.And now I'm ready to jump bigger. And they said, no, (12:34) let's just shine and spark and go and try to play and you know, do the magic. At the same time, (12:40) there is still something to release.And, and since we had that reading, I actually (12:46) start to see those little bits, which I haven't collected on the way and people who are around (12:51) me right now that, you know, community and everyone, they just bring in their own bit to (12:58) my journey. And I start to see how this is. So this was another message that was about me sharing (13:05) my journey, and not really much showing off, I can buy myself flowers attitude.But it's about like (13:12) doing this together, because we are all one at the end of the day. And, you know, over the years, (13:18) you kind of developed this, like, no one cares about me, I can do this on my own, you know, (13:23) like, you don't really feel the heart and support and honesty. Whereas right now, I mean, (13:30) like, that's, that's all perfectly designed for these people to be in this places and help me (13:35) to go and collect.And I'm not so afraid anymore. I can tell you that. (13:40) Yes.Yeah. And I feel like had you ever had a reading before? (13:45) That's the thing. I never had the reading.And I was mentally getting ready for it. And it was (13:50) so accurate. I can tell you, like, I did share and joke, I say, do they have CCTV here? Like, (13:58) how do they know? How do they know? It was almost like, oh, my God, I never shared this with anyone.(14:04) How do they know what is going on? So this was, again, another kind of like fighting with my own (14:10) narrative and beliefs. Whoa, where is this message coming from? Who is talking to me? And, (14:16) you know, why should I believe this message? So then I reach out to you again, just like, (14:21) are you sure? Sure. Or is that because you didn't even necessarily really have a strong belief (14:31) in working with spirit? Is that correct? So because I do come from a Christian family, (14:37) because of a tradition, like a generational tradition, everyone's Christian, but we never (14:42) kind of like practice the faith, regardless what religion is that I never had that trust into (14:49) unknown.I never had that relationship with like, I can fully give it to someone else's hand. (14:55) Because I come from Poland, and I was born in 1984. So there was like, communist, (15:01) post communist country, the narrative and generally the energies when I was brought up (15:08) were really tough.And we've been taught like, everything what you're going to achieve is with (15:14) your hard work and your hands. So therefore, giving this to someone else's hands and trusting that is (15:21) going to go in there. This was a breakthrough itself.I remember me wondering, like, how much (15:27) of that is true? How much do I believe? But again, every time when I get back, and I have this printed (15:35) on my on my fridge. And every time when I go back to this was like, I just cannot. And that's the (15:42) thing.I remember someone once told me, you should believe in unbelievable. Because that's the whole (15:49) point to just unbelievable. We used to, we tend to use the word unbelievable as oh, that's (15:55) unbelievable, but we don't take it as a miracle.And and I just took it differently. I just shipped (16:02) my perspective around that word around that belief around where is it coming from, I track it (16:07) down. And I just like, I ripped all these and I was like, I'm gonna be myself right now.And whether (16:13) you like it or not. And I know when it's true and authentic, people will be drawn to it. Because they (16:19) when you have a gift, there is always some way there is always someone to receive that.It's the (16:25) law of let me tell you, because you said that I have to tell you this message that came in through (16:31) for a friend of mine this morning, because it's so freaking beautiful. But she is really going (16:37) through the ringer right now. untangling a life created based on other people's expectations, (16:46) and the shoulds, like she created this life, and then it's hard to get out of it, because you, (16:52) you, you're living a life of expectation.And she is also somebody who is just a bright light, (17:00) and people are drawn to her. And she listens to all of their problems. And I'm sure you are the (17:07) same where people just come to you.And spirit had me tell her that she's doing a great job. But (17:15) what she's doing right now is moving from being a set of gas logs. Do you know what a gas log is? (17:20) No, no, it's like the fake.It's like a fake fireplace where you switch a switch. And then it (17:27) creates this fire. And she's moving from being the gas logs to the roaring campfire, (17:35) because that's authentic.It's wild, and it's free. And it has this, this beautiful warmth that (17:44) really it's like not just a pretty fire, where people will sit in front of because it looks nice. (17:50) It is this raging, beautiful, authentic, live fire that is raw and amazing and creates warmth (17:58) and beauty.And so I really like that imagery of when we shift into our authentic nature, (18:06) that we become this like living, breathing fire, and not this little tiny light. (18:12) Funny you say that, because every season, and that's obviously fire. So and it's a great moment (18:17) to declare yourself to create your identity for the next 12 months.So if anyone wants to see, (18:25) we will, we will tell us at the end. But if anyone wants to actually in this eclipse season, (18:32) get that message from you, we need to like link and post and advertise because this is the right (18:38) moment for that breakthrough. This is the perfect moment for that breakthrough.So you get your (18:43) calendar ready, because that's gonna go. Perfect, bring it on. And it's funny, because (18:49) when I do readings for people, sometimes they have specific things they're working on.But, (18:54) but generally, I let spirit lead. And often it is not about purpose, it could be about health, (19:03) it could be about relationships, it can be about finances. But it is, you know, it's always (19:10) what they need the most.Like this is, this is what we need to use this time frame for, (19:17) for their highest healing right now. Because you can't live in your purpose when you're stressed (19:22) about money. You know what I mean? Yes.So it's, it's maximizing that time. But that's, I think, (19:29) why it has been so fun to watch you because yours was very much like we dealt with some love, (19:35) some relationship stuff, but it was kind of unlocking you onto your path. And then to kind of (19:44) watch you open the gate and start walking towards that has just it's been so fascinating for me, (19:52) because it's like being on the other side of a journey that I have been on where somebody has (19:59) been able to give me the message that you want to make a t-shirt or banner like, oh my god, (20:08) if you would know what I know, if you would know what's on the other side, if you would know, (20:14) you would not hesitate to book it to have that reading to, to, to book the session with you (20:20) and to be guided because there's so much waiting for you.And sometimes we just need this little (20:27) push. Sometimes we just need this extra courage. And this is quite frankly, energetic work.What we (20:34) do or what we tend to do is the mind work. We try to journal, we try to think, we try to find out (20:41) how like our logical mind isn't designed to know how and that's why with the struggle is like we (20:46) sometimes know plus add these narratives and then it's not clear. And when you get it just from (20:53) energy, just straight from a spirit, you get it from a source girl.You just got it and and who (21:00) are you to say anything against? If that's the mission, if that's the gift and it's aligning (21:05) with what I used to do as a child and who I used to be and I love play this, it was divine. And like (21:14) honestly, you are godmother of my breakthrough. (21:18) You know what? I'm happy to be it and happy to witness it.And, and just, I don't know if I want (21:27) to be the godmother or you're the captain of your cheerleading squad, you know, and just be like, (21:32) yes, yes, yes. Because it's, it's so amazing. And what's interesting for me is I feel like a lot of (21:41) people are hesitant to have a reading.Well, first of all, because where I was raised, if you're (21:47) raised Christian, then this would be like heretic. Yeah. Voodoo crap or whatever.Like you can pray (21:54) to God, but you can't get an answer anyway. But I feel like people have so much guilt and shame (22:03) that, and we are taught that spirit is so judgmental and there's no judgment. Like I have (22:10) never brought through a message that did not feel like love to me, even if it's corrective, (22:17) which like telling me I still have healing work.You don't know everything. It's still came through (22:26) very much feeling like love. Like we're telling you both to collect your sparkles and that you'll (22:33) be held in love and supported through this.But I feel like people are nervous that there's like (22:41) big brother watching them and it's going to be like, why are you doing this? And it never, ever, (22:46) ever has come through as anything but love and support. Absolutely. But when you say like what (22:53) you're doing this, the next question is like, who are you believing? Like who is it? You know, (22:57) it's almost like how you can trust into something what is metaphysical.We are so (23:04) clinched to the Newtonian physics, like everything is matter and only matter can prove itself. (23:10) And I think this obviously like, you know, the background where you come from, the narrative, (23:14) the society, your parents, your religion, it all adds on to this. And we almost feel like (23:21) what they're going to say.So this is immediately in their work, because what we worry about is not (23:28) like how we're going to express ourself, but immediately what others are going to say. (23:33) I would do that, but what others are going to say. And I think this is the right moment to just like (23:38) step out of this mindset who, you know, at the end of the day, we're all focusing on ourselves.(23:44) So the chances someone is thinking of you and what you're going to say about me are very low, (23:49) because everyone should be focused on in their journey. And I think this is where (23:56) it's really, really helpful to have that reading and take your own decision to just like decide (24:02) whether you want to go with the flow or where you still allow the narratives of what they're going (24:07) to say, how this is going to look like, that's evil. Like this is just that.So I would encourage (24:16) everyone to at least give it a go and then decide whether. Do not make a decision before you do. How (24:22) you can say the cake is good or not good if you haven't tried it? How? Yeah.I know, but it's (24:27) still hard. I mean, you're saying this and it's still something I struggle with. I'm on a podcast (24:34) talking about it.I do readings and I still struggle sometimes putting stuff out there (24:41) because it's like, you know, you can see your long lost family rolling their eyes or (24:50) texting about you like, look at what she said today. And I feel like more and more, maybe even (24:58) this calendar year, it's almost like I'm freeing myself from the shackles and I'm almost to the (25:08) point where it's like, I really don't care anymore. Like this is, I'm going to be a campfire, y'all.(25:14) I'm just going to be a campfire. If I want, I can blow bubbles or counterbacks and no one can say (25:20) anything. But you are right.We are so conditioned and this is so built in in us, it's almost (25:26) impossible to break through and to, you know, get the chains off and feel free. That even when we (25:33) internally, somewhere in the heart, we feel that there is still like, oh, this uncle (25:37) across the ocean or this auntie or even the close relatives. Sometimes they'll be like, yeah, yeah.(25:46) Hocus pocus, like, all right. So by the end of the day, more or less in 100 years, we're going to be (25:53) gone, all of us. So what that really matters.Like at the end of the day, I'm giving us 100, so I'm (25:59) very optimistic with where we are right now. I'm 120, girl. I'm going to 120.So I'm going to (26:06) increase to 200. So in 200 years, we're going to be gone. We're going to be back to stardust and (26:11) we're going to be recycled.We may come back, we may not, it depends. But just give it a go. (26:17) Kind of like, if I will be on a deathbed and I will be asked, how did you live your life? (26:23) I always wanted, I lived my life.I took the most, I squeezed the lemon and, you know, it was (26:30) the most precious experience. And I want to experience everything, I said that. And I think (26:35) I didn't realize what I'm saying back then.But everything what happened in my life with the (26:41) awareness where I'm right now, I am absolutely grateful. I have no victim mindset. I can take (26:48) responsibility for myself.And at the end of the day, me, we all know that. So if you still have (26:54) those narratives behind you, just go inside and answer who they really are. And at the end of (27:01) the day, it's you.So go and work on that little bit. And you may as well use the advice from the (27:06) support team, because the support team is here. And funny thing, after that reading, I was like, (27:12) all right, Michael, you know me, huh? Yes, my name is Paula.And I was like, so since I'm supposed to (27:19) ask you for the advice, how do we do it? Like I give my, and you know what happened that moment? (27:24) I literally was like, I tried to get ready for the message. So I did this. And that was it.That was (27:31) the message. I understood. Just breathe.Just breathe. That was the message itself. I could not believe (27:38) that.This is the unbelievable, which I could not believe, but it's the beautiful unbelievable. (27:43) It's amazing. Yeah.And I will say the best part of this whole journey for me and being (27:51) connected to Spirit and my trust in my team and my messages like is 1000%. I feel incredibly (28:04) connected. And now I've had just it's just been such an amazing experience to do to have messages (28:13) for other people that land and I just feel so comfortable with it that I absolutely never, (28:21) ever, ever feel alone.Like I absolutely feel connected all the time. And then you feel it in (28:29) your heart. You feel it in your heart.I feel it in my heart. Take a breath and say I'm not alone. (28:34) I never was alone.I never was alone. I never was alone. I never was alone.And I never, (28:40) there is no struggle that I'm going through that I don't feel like I can say, (28:47) well, you, you guys, I need some help right now. Like I'm, I'm feeling low, like help me lift up (28:54) or help me realize what needs to process through me. But it is, it's incredible to always feel (29:02) supported.And that helps you move through these situations. Like I'm going to take a chance. If I (29:07) follow my face, I follow my face, but I'm still not alone doing it.And yesterday we went to a (29:13) closing. And when my husband and I were saying goodbye, I was like, don't forget to thank your (29:18) team. And I gave my little air high fives.Cause I'm like, they, they helped us get to this point. (29:25) They help us in every way. So don't forget your thank yous.But I think that's been, you know, (29:30) one of the most amazing parts of my journey is it doesn't matter how low you feel or how (29:40) questioned you feel, or am I doing this right? Or what do I need to do for support? (29:46) Just breathe. Like, like Michael said, you just need to breathe because we're here. (29:50) We're here.We got you. You know what helps me? Because I think human nature, (29:55) generally human nature will cause you to identify.

People on this episode