Wake Up with Susan

Celebrate Your Wins!

Susan Sutherland

The podcast is one year old and I am celebrating this success.  I am celebrating because it means I have been consistent, showing up for me and my goals and that is what I think we should celebrate.  Don't wait on the finish line to give yourself the pat on the back, but find metrics that show your effort along the journey and celebrate those.

THANK YOU so much for being with me over this past year.  It has been a rollercoaster - scary, exhilarating and a hell of a lot of fun.  I have made friends in this journey and really do want to create a community where we can share and grow together. 

Please join me in my new Facebook group.

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok (while you still can). 

(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.So let's do it (0:10) together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.(0:17) We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs (0:22) and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi, family.Thank you for joining me today. If you're watching on YouTube, you can see that I (0:35) am grinning in ear to ear. And if you're listening, I hope you can hear that because today's a big (0:41) day.Today is a big day. This is the one year anniversary of the podcast. I think the first (0:50) episode was April 24th, 2023.And so we're right at a year and I feel like celebrating. It feels (0:59) like a birthday or I guess the anniversary is a better way to say it. But I feel really excited (1:07) and I'm excited to talk to you about this today, about celebrating our wins and kind of just what (1:16) the year and the journey has been like for me.Up and down. Do you think I'm an expert podcaster by (1:25) now after a year's worth of work? Nope, absolutely not. Two weeks ago, I uploaded an episode that cut (1:33) off with 15 minutes to go.Like it still blows my mind the errors that I could make while doing it. (1:41) And I guess that is probably leading to why I feel so proud that I have I have clicked off a (1:49) year. I've done this for a full year in spite of it not always being easy, in spite of the (1:57) complications that I've had, or, you know, some of the challenges that I've gone through.And so (2:04) I I'm feeling freaking proud. I am feeling really excited and happy that this is this is a really (2:13) big milestone. And when I start thinking about the amount of downloads I've received, (2:19) it just doesn't resonate with me.First of all, because half the people I know can't download (2:25) anything because their their phones are maxed out on storage. But when I start getting into (2:30) the stats based, it feels uncomfortable to me because I don't want, (2:37) I don't want that to be my motivator. However, me showing up, me showing up and doing this (2:46) week in and week out, regardless of what my schedule is, or what has come up in my life, (2:51) me showing up is something I really want to celebrate because that's that's celebrating (2:58) the journey.It's not celebrating the achievement, but really the process. And so I think that's (3:05) something I really want you to take take with you from this is to find those milestones (3:15) that that show that you are being consistent and that you're showing up because I think those are (3:21) really, really worth celebrating. And then if it takes longer than you hope to achieve a goal, (3:30) that's okay.You're still showing up and being consistent and then you don't get deflated. Well, (3:36) I thought I'd be here by now or I thought this would have happened by now. Are you showing up (3:41) and being consistent? And if so, hell yeah, way to go.That's really amazing. And so I think that's (3:50) why this this milestone feels really big to me. And I'll tell you in spite of a lot of things, (3:58) but I I would like to ask you for an anniversary present.If you've been listening and resonate (4:06) with this podcast and haven't taken the time to leave a rating or a review, please do so as a (4:14) one-year anniversary gift to me. Leave me a review. I would really appreciate it.It's how (4:21) the podcast grows. I have no idea how many people listen to this podcast, but I do know this which (4:29) is freaking wild to me. It has been listened to in 27 countries.Isn't that isn't that crazy? (4:37) If I sat down to write out countries, I would actually have to think about it to get to 27 (4:44) and wake up with Susan has been listened to in 27 countries and that's pretty wild to me. So (4:52) without looking at stats, I like to feel that we are creating this global community, (5:00) that there is something about what I'm saying that resonates on a wider scale, (5:07) which is really good because it doesn't really resonate in my house. I had to go looking for (5:11) y'all.Thank you. But that's part of that's part of why I started this was to find my people, (5:20) to find my community. And you know what? I ended up really lucky that some of the people I found (5:27) I already knew, but we didn't.We had lost contact and we weren't resonating on that level (5:35) until we found we're on similar journeys. And so I've been really lucky to call in people (5:41) in my community back into my world, but also to meet some amazing people all across the globe. (5:50) And that's one of the richest parts of this journey for me is to make expansive connections (6:00) to really I'm a traveler anyway.I am interested in culture and diversity and experiencing things (6:11) outside of my small bubble. And so to be able to regularly interact with people who are dealing (6:19) with similar issues or not issues, we are growing in similar ways. And I'm connecting (6:27) with people in many different countries.And I think that's so freaking cool. (6:33) And so finding that community has been really special for me. So to all of you who have (6:42) listened all across the globe, thank you so much.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.(6:46) Um, I'm sitting here, I'm sitting in a closet, talking to my computer by myself, (6:53) but knowing that there are people out there listening is it I'm going to just keep saying (7:01) it's freaking wild. Like that I started this hoping that I could just learn to use my voice, (7:07) just learn to say things that are uncomfortable, uncomfortable for me to say, and now are easier (7:15) for me to say. Because I've practiced, I've practiced speaking my truth.And that's part (7:22) of what this journey has been about for me. It's been it's been interesting. I was even (7:29) on a zoom call a couple of weeks ago.And the lady hosting the meeting has a podcast and I'm (7:39) so sorry that I didn't look up what it is. It's not one I'm familiar with. But a friend invited me to (7:45) this this meeting.And as she's talking, she's she's saying how oh my gosh, she listened back (7:53) to an episode 70. And she was such an amateur interviewing people. And it kind of made me feel (8:01) small in the moment because I'm at 52.You know, I'm still way behind where she was when she (8:10) thought she was like such a beginner. And he kind of it took me a minute to process and now she's (8:17) you know, getting interviews with like Bashar and and some really notable people in the spiritual (8:24) community. But I thought it started thinking and she she didn't get to 70 by bypassing one through (8:32) 10.And she didn't get to 340 by bypassing 70. Like every step is the most important step, (8:41) the most important step, I should say, is the next one. So I have to keep being consistent.(8:49) And when I when I stopped licking my wounds for a minute and thought you're doing this, (8:54) you're showing up each week and I have had amazing people come share their energy with me and the (9:01) podcast, share their time and their wisdom with me. When I'm not some big, huge podcaster, you know, (9:12) maybe maybe there will be more people that I can bring to you when it has a wider audience, (9:19) but I'm still super grateful for the people who have shared their time and their energy with me (9:25) over this past year. It's been really incredible to to have that opportunity to interview people.(9:32) So I'm going to keep on showing up. And while I'm talking about taking a step on a path in my mind, (9:41) I have been building a Lego house. And what I'm asking for you to do is place your piece on it.(9:49) Place your contribution to the house by leaving your rating and review. That's the only way it (9:55) affects the algorithm to help me grow it. And maybe at some point I'll stop making the errors where (10:03) I have to have a dear listener send me a message and be like, hey, you screwed up this segment.(10:08) Do you want to fix it? Actually, I've been so grateful for the people who saved my butt when (10:14) they're like, hey, we listened to it because I don't always listen back. I am often last minute (10:22) getting it uploaded, not necessarily getting it recorded, but maybe getting it uploaded and doing (10:28) all that. And do I listen back to it? Nope.So the the comments back when there's a mistake are (10:35) very kind. I appreciate it. And they haven't come with one star reviews that say this girl (10:41) really doesn't know what she's doing.So I appreciate that. But I want you to really think (10:50) about what you're working on right now. And it doesn't have to have meaning to anybody else.(10:57) If you are working on a health goal or a passion goal or whatever you're working on, (11:06) find ways that you can celebrate your consistency, not your achievements, because a lot of times (11:14) we look to the finish line for where we're going to celebrate. But we need those little (11:22) wins along the way to keep us showing up. Because if you're showing up, and it's like that meme (11:28) that shows when it's 10 percent and 15 percent and 50 percent, however much you have to show up (11:35) each day, you're making progress.And when we forget to celebrate those little wins, (11:42) a lot of times it becomes all or nothing. Where, well, I didn't go this week to the gym, (11:50) and so I've fallen off the train. And you're back into, you know, a cycle or a pattern like (11:57) before you started.Because we make it a all or nothing achievement. And I'm saying, hey, (12:05) did you show up one time for yourself? Did you did you get seven hours of sleep, (12:11) three nights this week? What are the things you're working on? And how can you make measurable ways (12:19) to track consistency? Because I think that's really what we need to be focusing on, (12:27) is how often are you showing up for yourself? And if you are not showing up for yourself (12:35) in the ways that you have committed to, we have to look at the reason why. Maybe there's a (12:43) worthiness.Maybe there's a fear of judgment. Oh, Lord, have I been through that one this year? (12:50) That has been one of my biggest obstacles and what I have had to push through. Like, (12:56) I know I'm fearing that, and I'm going to keep showing up anyway.But a lot of times when we (13:02) stop doing what we say we want to do for ourselves, it is because there's a worthiness (13:10) or undeservability that is there. And so it definitely gives you something to look at. (13:16) But unless you're tracking your consistency, you're not even going to know that that's there (13:21) to work on.So I really want you to look at what are your goals? And what are the metrics you're (13:29) going to track? And how are you going to celebrate? I am kicking myself right now because I didn't (13:35) plan for this. I wish that I knew how important and big this felt and that I really do think I (13:43) need to celebrate it because I would have blocked off a day and your girl would have gone on a hike (13:48) and maybe a spa treatment or something. But there's definitely an IOU to Susan where that (13:56) is going to happen.So how do you celebrate yourself? What is something that you really (14:03) like that feels like a worthy reward that you want to that you want to commit and follow through so (14:11) that you can celebrate yourself in a certain way? In the book club that I used to be part of, but now (14:19) I just ran out of time to do those books when I was trying to do my own books. And of course, (14:23) Miracle is every freaking day. So the book club that I was in, some of the girls would have those (14:31) those little mini champagne bottles or if they were married a big bottle of champagne and they (14:38) would write a label with their goal on it.I don't drink alcohol so that's not going to work for me. (14:44) But I love the idea that you know they've got six bottles of champagne with certain goals and (14:51) then I think theirs are achievement based and I want yours to be consistency based. What is a (14:58) milestone that you're working through? But I like that idea of having something that's there to (15:05) celebrate and so if you are you know a crystal lover maybe there is a pendant or a bracelet or (15:14) something that you've been eyeing that that you can kind of earmark that if I can stick with this (15:22) for six weeks or 12 weeks or whatever would motivate you or maybe it's you know a weekend away (15:29) how do you like to celebrate? What are the things that would feel like motivation but also (15:40) like reward like like a celebration? It needs to feel like a celebration.So I wish that I would (15:47) have blocked mine off already because I'd tell you what it is but I haven't but I am going to do it (15:53) because I do think it's really important. Another thing I want to talk about as far as this year (15:59) goes is that support doesn't always look like what you thought it would look like. (16:08) The people who support your journey might not be those you're related to.Mark is kind of a (16:17) quiet supporter. He is not a listener. He is not going to share or promote or anything in that (16:26) regard and when I told him about the year anniversary coming up he was like when are you (16:33) going to be able to monetize that and so his support feels differently and even when we've (16:41) had like really busy times when I've had stuff going on or we're going away for spring break (16:47) and I'm like well I have to get my podcast done we're going to be away on Tuesday and he's like (16:51) what does it matter if you skip a week? What matters to me? So I don't know that it matters (16:56) to anybody else but this is my commitment to consistently show up and so what I'm saying (17:03) is that sometimes your support will come from unlikely places.It'll come from listeners who (17:11) oh my goodness just by whatever miracle happens thank you God on the day when I'm feeling low (17:22) is when I'll get the messages that say hey your podcast really helped me this week thank you so (17:28) much. I mean it will blow your mind how often just the right support comes for whatever you're doing. (17:37) If you are on a weight loss journey and you are really struggling it will be the person you bump (17:42) into who says you look really great today take that as your hug take that as your support and (17:50) understand that it might not be from those you expected it to be it might not be from those (17:58) closest to you but be open to the universe God's source sending you the support you need to keep (18:07) you going on your journey when you need it and that has been true for me.I mean it was wild I (18:13) was at my that the word of the day for this episode is obviously wild I think this is episode (18:20) number two that wild has it apparently is my theme of the month it's wild anyway I (18:30) was sitting at a soccer game and a neighbor came to my daughter's game and while I'm sitting there (18:37) she mentions that she has listened to my podcast and we actually started talking about these (18:44) synchronicities that had occurred with her on a hike some signs that came from a loved one and it (18:50) was so great and she and I have never had those conversations at all and I told her that I had (18:57) really been struggling and so to sit and have that conversation with her was a reminder that I don't (19:03) know who's listening and that there actually are people who are listening but just be open to those (19:11) little nudges that God will send to keep you on your path accept them embrace them and let them (19:21) fuel you up and know that maybe it's not the people who are closest to you but the support (19:31) will be there if this is something that is truly meaningful to your health to your life to your (19:38) joy your support will show up you just might have to see it in in unexpected places and welcome that (19:49) because that makes it really fun too as I was saying that I was sitting there thinking like I (19:54) want to support you I want to be able to encourage you all like you encouraged me and I have not a (20:05) hate relationship it's kind of like a love me relationship with social media (20:12) but I am feeling like maybe I'm going to start a wake up with Susan Facebook page (20:21) I'm saying this and then I'm like am I going to do this though I think I'm going to do this because (20:27) I really want to be able to share support for what you're working on to really bring the community (20:33) together and if there are ways that we can encourage and support one another it's been one (20:40) of the greatest things with Derek Grant's consciousness evolution community is just the (20:47) support you receive from other people and I can do that with this podcast and just have a Facebook (20:53) page and if you want to share your goal maybe there's other people working on something similar (20:59) but either way I would like to offer my support and my encouragement and we can share our successes (21:06) together I think that'll be really fun so look in the show notes now that I'm saying this I'm (21:12) gonna have to actually do it so look in the show notes and hopefully some of you are on Facebook (21:19) and we can gather there together thank you for being part of this journey this has been a wild (21:27) ride that I'm I'm not going to get off anytime soon I'm I'm enjoying doing this I'm enjoying (21:36) having to show up having to be consistent and be disciplined because it is it's not my nature (21:44) this is something I'm working towards and this podcast unlike my real estate investing bills (21:53) that show up and I'm like this makes me want to vomit which is my internal reaction to all (22:01) things paperwork but this podcast is the kind of discipline that I really love where it does (22:08) require me to focus and to think of what not only what I would like to present to you but going (22:16) through you know uploading and editing it all the things I have to be disciplined in the process (22:23) and so that is something I am definitely working on and this is a significantly more fun way for me (22:31) to practice that so thank you thank you thank you thank you for being on this journey with me (22:39) I hope there's many many many more years to come but I'm so grateful for the year that we've had (22:46) I'm grateful for your support I'm grateful for the reviews especially the ones you're about to leave (22:52) and for you joining me in the Facebook community I love you have a great week think about what you (23:00) are working towards and what are the metrics that you are going to measure and celebrate (23:06) bye friends have a great week

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