Wake Up with Susan

Galactic Astrology with Ulrika Sullivan

Susan Sutherland

In this conversation, Susan Sutherland and Ulrika Sullivan discuss galactic astrology and its application in understanding one's soul journey. They explore the concept of self-discovery and how learning about one's past lives and soul's experiences can help in living a more aligned life. They delve into the significance of the Great Attractor and black holes in galactic astrology and how they can be associated with a soul's journey. They also discuss the integration of insights from galactic readings and the importance of honoring individual paths and relationships. The conversation highlights the expansion of perspective and the ability to impact the world energetically. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the cyclical nature of astrology and the alignment of energies for awakening and expansion.

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Susan Sutherland (00:01.724)
Hi, Ulrika. Thank you so much for joining me today to talk about galactic astrology.

Ulrika Sullivan (00:07.93)
Ooh, thank you, Susan. I'm so honored to be here with you talking about this beautiful topic.

Susan Sutherland (00:15.96)
Yeah, it's really exciting for me when there is something that has provided me a lot of insight into myself that I can then share with my listeners. Like this is what I gathered from it. And right now I'm kind of doing a series about kind of a self discovery journey and how learning so much about who you are. Not just in this lifetime, but your whole.

soul's experience, how that can be translated to really help you now. And so kind of the comparison I gave is, if somebody hands me a plant, it doesn't stand much of a chance to thrive. But if they hand me a plant and tell me when I need to water it, how much sunshine it needs, all of its tendencies, what are its strengths, what should I be looking out for?

it still might not survive, but it has a much better chance. And so the more we know about who we are and what we came to experience, the better chance we have to really thrive in an aligned life.

Ulrika Sullivan (01:26.57)
Mm. That's a beautiful image to carry and, you know, the, the nurturing that it may require to actually bloom at the end of the day, you know, that's, ah, I love it.

Susan Sutherland (01:37.564)

Not to mention, if somebody gives you a plant that blooms in December and you're mad in June that there are no buds, you know, so the more I learn about myself and what I was meant to experience in my younger years and how I'm supposed to be processing this life, it's just so helpful for me. And so...

Galactic astrology is not even something I had ever heard of until this past fall. And when somebody mentioned it to me, you know, I pay attention to my body and when it lights up and it was like, okay, that's for you make the call. And so that's when I first had a session with you. So why don't you start off with an introduction about yourself and what is galactic astrology?

Ulrika Sullivan (02:32.366)
Yeah. And first, Susan, thank you. I'm so happy we connected because it's such a treat to be knowing you and also be invited to your beautiful podcast. So thank you again. Well, galactic astrology, many may be familiar with traditional astrology, which to me, I practice Western tropical astrology.

Susan Sutherland (02:36.592)
Yes, we do.

Ulrika Sullivan (02:59.082)
And there are many, many ways to, and lenses we can put on the topic of astrology. And galactic astrology is another lens in terms of how we can look into our, what I call our natural energy imprint. And galactic astrology provides this multi-dimensional perspective beyond, you know, our earthly potentially energies, but also what our soul's journey.

has been and is and what kind of connections we've made throughout our soul's journey in the cosmos, potentially soul incarnations on other planets as well. So really this lens of astrology is that multi-dimensional perspective of who we truly are. And some of us are getting more and more kind of, as you say, we're gonna learn more about who we,

who we are and it's not only the life here on Earth that is part of us. So yeah, I'm a long time astrology fan, but when I came across Galactic Astrology, it's like, yeah, this is it.

Susan Sutherland (04:16.896)
And it's so interesting because when I came across it, for me, you are like a translator and I am going to another country. And so I'm going to Paris and I'm not going to learn French. I have these readings and I know that I am not become, I'm not going to become fluent, but you are going to give me the tools that I need to make the trip more enjoyable.

to really hone in on conversational French. So you're giving me enough to put the tools in my toolbox, but I do know when you come across a modality or something and it's meant for you, you know it. And so that's what your experience with this was, I assume.

Ulrika Sullivan (05:06.098)
Yes, absolutely. And for me, what's so fascinating about it is that I know by myself, and many of us are feeling that, that there's so much more to our soul and the experience of our soul than just the experience of this life. And yeah, I see myself as a translator because I can intuitively connect with these energies,

I use charts, so it's that combination of the, I'm a Virgo, so it's easy for me to kind of analytically see the patterns within somebody's charts and actually translate that to something meaningful that is actually relevant to our life and the person's life here and now. And that's...

That's why we're doing this, right? Because we're here now and there's something that we're expanding into that some of us are not really yet fully understand and how can we, right? But it's a supportive insight to expand our perspective. And that's...

Susan Sutherland (06:21.02)
Yeah, and I know you use the Kocic records in your readings and I read the Kocic records and I think that's what's so beautiful about it is it's not just, it's not a curiosity tool. It's how have previous experiences or different dimensional experiences played a role in what you're going through now. It's not just, you know, I wonder if I've ever been here.

is this lifetime is impacting you in this way or this relationship or the soul contract, which I think is so fascinating.

Ulrika Sullivan (06:57.198)
Yeah, because there's something we want to know, and as humans we want to know, right? We want to understand, but it's also a tool and a path to actually surrender to more space within ourselves by knowing that we actually have all this wisdom that we have generated through eons of an existence as an individual soul. And in a way, it's the connect

with that wisdom that this also provides, that we actually know a lot of things that we just, okay, this clicks with me, right? It's a reactivation of that wisdom and the internal knowledge that we carry with us as a soul that we maybe sometimes not use. So it's this coming home feeling to it as well.

experiences and patterns we may have maintained for many lifetimes. But yeah, so there's multiple reasons for why this information would be useful, but ultimately it's to improve our experience here at this time.

Susan Sutherland (08:13.7)
Right. So a couple of the interesting things that came from my reading with you that was just like so beyond my awareness or I guess anything I'd ever given thought to is you anticipate my return home would be to the great attractor which I had never heard of and so then it's I don't know I've

Ulrika Sullivan (08:35.266)
You. Ha ha ha.

Susan Sutherland (08:43.088)
God is out of the old man in the white robe, you know, into this infinite divine creation. But then when heaven looks like returning to a black hole, I was like, I don't even know what's to do with that. So why don't you say what is the great attractor? Because I imagine nobody else has heard of that either. I mean, somebody, but maybe not my listeners.

Ulrika Sullivan (08:58.252)

Ulrika Sullivan (09:07.278)
Yeah, so we may be familiar with the Galactic Center. And first of all, black holes are known, right, astronomically. And they haven't really, they have been identified, some of them, but they have not really been identified as much of like, what's the, what, why are these in existence? And as I traverse people's soul journeys, it's becoming clear that

The black holes are serving often as universal hubs of wisdom. And also to travel through the universe, like time, and there is no time in the universe really, it's just kind of we want to put our experience into time, but it's a quantum environment for evolution, and it's a concentrated energy.

The great attractor is one of the black holes that is driving the universe. About, I would say, 5200 galaxies have been estimated and we are one galaxy out of those. And if we talk magnitude, we have our own black hole here in the Milky Way galaxy, which is the galactic center and it's located at 27 degrees of Sagittarius.

Susan Sutherland (10:20.409)

Ulrika Sullivan (10:32.694)
The greater tractor is located at, and I'm talking astrological degrees here, 14 degrees of Sagittarius. But basically as a soul, we sometimes associate with these black holes as part of our soul's journey. And you could argue also that soul's existence or soul's creation sometimes happen in these...

black holes and other places as well, it depends, right? But for your particular soul journey, the great attractor, which is one of a multiverse of universal wisdom that actually is associated with multiple, multiple galaxies, you have strong indicators of being associated with that type of energy. So, it's,

Susan Sutherland (11:05.572)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's.

Ulrika Sullivan (11:33.618)
It's sometimes mind blowing in terms of who we truly are outside of our human body, or in addition to our human body. And many of us have this multiverse connection, and you're one of them. So it's...

Susan Sutherland (11:50.272)
I would imagine many, many of your clients are. Do you find that people who are drawn to you?

Ulrika Sullivan (11:54.502)
Yes. I mean, there is.

Ulrika Sullivan (11:59.378)
Yes, absolutely. After so many readings now, I start to see also what type of soul that is coming to me, particularly. That's why we're multiple practitioners, because we attract different souls on different souls' journeys as well. But I feel that

Susan Sutherland (12:00.128)
have similarities.

Ulrika Sullivan (12:29.07)
highly evolved soul have multiple, multiple associations in the universe and experiences that we're bringing here now. Ancient cosmic wisdom that we're meant to kind of either anchor here to Earth or open up within ourselves on our soul's journey here and also serving others to doing the same. But I would also say that many times in...

what's called the starseed community, it's very easy to say, okay, I'm from Pleiades and I'm from Andromeda, I'm only that. What I'm discovering and what we know from the galactic charts is that we have over eons of time as a soul, multiple, multiple associations with various fixed stars, for example, or galactic points, such as the Great Attractor or Galactic Center as part of our journey.

So it's, like you say, it's a multitude of associations and interactions that we've had as an individual soul at that level.

Susan Sutherland (13:34.568)
Yeah, and how that impacted me now, and I think the Akashic Records kind of opened me up to this a little bit. I always believed in past lives, but really understanding.

I don't know just how big the soul's journey is and how limited this one little life is. And then working with you, it just really made me see this as one brushstroke, just one little brushstroke that I'm making, which for somebody who can be a little overcome with needing to fulfill purpose and doing and doing and as you and I have worked together, you know that

Overdoing is more my inclination and being is my what I'm supposed to be doing. But that's hard for me. But it really helps to consider yourself in this huge eons and eons of multi-dimensional experiences that this one experience as Susan in Charlotte is just a brushstroke. It's just a brushstroke. And so you can allow the ease of that.

a little bit more. And so it's really helpful for that. Another really interesting thing from that first reading, which you did a great little intro and sent me a whole list of things that I could choose from that we would go into. And it was such a long list and it was a very long reading, like so much information. But one of the things that I chose is to understand my karmic balancing.

and how much is personal and how much is ancestral and how much is collective. And it had never really occurred to me before that some of my ancestral and collective karma might not be earth related.

Ulrika Sullivan (15:31.074)
Right. Yeah. Yeah, and that's the power of this type of perspective and expansion of our perspective of who we truly are, because we may be bringing karmic energy that we have decided to work on in this life that is the source of it, maybe from galactic incarnations.

Susan Sutherland (15:33.552)
So it just never occurred to me.

Ulrika Sullivan (16:00.986)
way, way back in our soul's journey. And you could argue sometimes that, the human life and the density that we are placing ourselves in here with polarity naturally existent is sometimes the way to balance that karma and with the source from way beyond this life. Yeah.

So sometimes that is really an awakening insight for somebody that, oh, it's actually not my mother that caused this or, you know, she's here to be a mirror so that I can work on it here. For example, these insights that often hinder us in this life to live a life in harmony with the individuals that we have chosen to live with here to do.

to carry out our soul contract. And it's a perspective of the longevity of our souls journey as well, that helps us ease some of the trust in the journey that we're here to do.

Susan Sutherland (17:16.144)
Right. And this, this last time I worked with you, we were working on my soul fragments. I've been kind of, not kind of, I'm working on calling by my power and really, um, just welcoming all, all parts of me back home to, to really embrace who I am, all of me. Um, and that was really interesting to work with you on that and kind of uncovering what I need to do.

Ulrika Sullivan (17:18.434)
Thank you.

Susan Sutherland (17:46.376)
to integrate that part. But a lot of it gave me an understanding of how just incredibly specific my energetic map is. When you look at it, when I have my natal chart read, all of it seems so perfectly me. And what that has given me is the understanding that you are perfectly you and he is perfectly him.

And so my expectation of everybody to operate the way I would is so wrong. Like I have to understand that exactly how you are called to do things might be what you need in this lifetime, but it has really helped me understand that.

What I'm working on is not what everybody's working on. What my strengths are not what everybody's strengths are and to really honor everybody else's path as well.

Ulrika Sullivan (18:47.262)
Yes. Yeah, it's a beautiful insight to realize that our journey is our journey and somebody else's journey can be looking a lot different and working on other things. And I think that helps our understanding of and compassion for others and their journey and see ourselves as one of the puzzle pieces in many other people's lives.

as well, because sometimes as humans, we want to put it in, oh, this is the right person for me, or this is not the right person for me. But in all in all, it really is a learning experience that we're placing ourselves in. And some experiences are requiring us to stretch a little bit that includes some resistance and tension and all of that, right? That's going outside the comfort zone. But it's so easy with

to kind of dismiss it to say it's not helpful. Because yeah, and vice versa, right? That's, yeah, I think it's, I feel this broadening perspective of our role and other people's roles in our lives as mirrors are truly important. And asking ourselves the questions like, what can I learn from my relationships is a huge one.

Susan Sutherland (20:13.533)

Ulrika Sullivan (20:16.086)
because it takes the accountability and responsibility back to us ourselves of what we actually can learn.

Susan Sutherland (20:26.936)
Yes. And I like that with all of my interpersonal relationships, but even I think I've been reflecting more on, I don't watch a lot of news, but obviously I'm aware of stuff that's going on. And when I tap in to how I should be processing Gaza, it is only be peace, be love. My action is to take no action. And

I've kind of been going around with that. Like if we're all taking no action, dah, dah. No, not everybody's, not everybody's path is the same as mine. And some may be here to act where previously they haven't acted, or, you know, do use their voice when they haven't used their voice. But it takes really understanding that we are all here on such unique journeys with unique strengths.

So that we can you know play out the dramas that we have we have written for ourselves

Ulrika Sullivan (21:33.054)
Yeah, I think you're bringing up an important point there, that it's kind of limiting in a way to see just what, to the 3D scenarios, if you will. I think also there's a lot we can do, even if we're not physically there. Let's say if we take Gauze as an example.

Susan Sutherland (21:45.018)

Ulrika Sullivan (22:01.822)
I think the insights that we are gaining also by expanding our multidimensional self and our awareness around it is our ability to impact things energetically. Because that is also often, we're so used to just looking at the physical realm and see what's happening there and interpret it from that perspective only.

Ulrika Sullivan (22:31.286)
bigger and bigger perspectives, the energetics and the way we can actually act when it comes to energetics as well as individuals, both to keep ourselves in harmony, self-heal, etc., physical body, but also to impact world events energetically is something that we completely underestimate our abilities to do.

So I don't think that anyone on earth is here for a reason that is not of their highest self.

Susan Sutherland (23:13.66)

Ulrika Sullivan (23:15.254)
because their soul contract, anyone's soul contract is of the highest self. There is a reason to be here. And yeah, so there's, if we add in the multidimensional perspective, it's a lot we can do and we don't have to feel helpless or guilty.

Susan Sutherland (23:24.026)

Susan Sutherland (23:34.524)
Right. Absolutely. Or guilty, but because you're called to just hold a vibration of love. Um, you know, that's just my assignment. Everybody else has cut their own. Um, so what are other, what are other ways that information from a galactic reading are applied to this lifetime? What have you found?

Ulrika Sullivan (23:41.32)
Exactly. Yeah.

Ulrika Sullivan (23:48.169)
Yeah, yeah, we're all doing great work.

Ulrika Sullivan (24:02.21)
Hmm. Yeah. So that's almost the most important part of a reading is what comes after the reading, because the reading often, as any reading would be, is a download or a acceleration and opening of energy. And then the question becomes, right, what do we do with that information? And that's really the most important part.

Susan Sutherland (24:24.953)
You do with it.

Ulrika Sullivan (24:29.514)
What does it do to us internally, but also how do we integrate it over time to become part of our daily life? And how does that support our expanded perspective? So yes, that's why I'm even more passionate about, I mean, how can you be more passionate than the readings, right? But the...

even more impactful work happens after. When somebody is starting to say, okay, I'm curious about this piece of my reading. Here's what I learned about myself. And I'm curious about exploring that further. How I can integrate that in my life. And what often that means is very tangible.

things, right? How can I create more space in my life for myself to explore who am I? Whether we want to put like inner child or my soul's essence to that, you know, that is a label, but basically that question of who am I, how can I create more space within my life to explore that? And that's a huge step from

potentially not being kind of asking ourselves those questions and actually physically in my week, I'm going to put, you know, so the accountability to actually consider those insights that we're curious about after a reading is what I do. That's the main part of my business is to help and guide others to integrate these insights so that...

perspective is changing or they can live more with ease and harmony in alignment with their natural energy and carry out the soul contract that they're here to do. For me, that's really the value of these readings comes into play.

Susan Sutherland (26:43.592)
Mm-hmm. Awesome. And you said you've got a type now. You've got a type of client that's coming to you. What's your type? Who's drawn to you?

Ulrika Sullivan (26:54.922)
Well, yeah, who's drawn to me? I have noticed a couple of different types, actually. Often, it's highly, highly advanced souls that have a connection to bringing in future, what we call future spiritual technology or wisdom that

Ulrika Sullivan (27:25.518)
state, if you will. So to bring that here now, because it's something that likely is coming from a higher consciousness, if you will, if we call it that. So that's one type. And often many have connections to the black holes, whether it's Galactic Center or Great Attractor or Shapley Attractor. Often it's that immense multiverse type of energy that people have in their charts.

The other type are those with angelic origin and working like bridges between the angelic realm and here often to bring insights around compassion. And often that's something that they're working on themselves as part of their own journey to be able to share that in the collective here.

Susan Sutherland (28:25.224)
Oh my goodness, we could say that over and over again. Often you're having to work on it yourself so that you can bring it to the collective. I think people miss out on the importance of what they are growing through is theirs to share.

Ulrika Sullivan (28:35.127)

Ulrika Sullivan (28:44.558)
Yes, and that's part of the embodiment that we are part of here on Earth, right? Because we are a 3D Earth, so that bridge between and actually go through it ourselves first is how we then teach and turn the wound into a sharing and transformation for others. So that's another type.

Ulrika Sullivan (29:13.118)
Aquarian age energy. I also receive a lot of blu-ray energy that people have in their chart. Blu-ray is a collective term for ascension energy, basically very high vibrating crystalline energy. And often I see that in souls that are

younger, if you will. Maybe I have had one or two or let's say a handful incarnations on Earth before.

Susan Sutherland (29:54.042)
Okay, so a younger soul is not that they are younger in their soul's origination. That's just how you see their earth experience. Okay.

Ulrika Sullivan (30:01.722)
Exactly. That's the term that I use, that the younger soul is more younger to Earth, the Earth experience itself. Yeah. So there's a lot of different types, if you will, but I would say that's probably the most common types so far.

Susan Sutherland (30:13.048)

Susan Sutherland (30:23.864)
And how often do you see...

Susan Sutherland (30:29.617)
I don't know. What do I say? Frequent, frequent flyer miles for Earth. People who just come and come and come and come and come and their job is just to keep coming and keep elevating versus those who are high vibrational but coming to bail us out of trouble.

Ulrika Sullivan (30:47.55)
What was your question? How often?

Susan Sutherland (30:50.212)
Like comparatively, are the people who are coming to you frequent travelers to earth or have been less engaged and are coming here now at this time?

Ulrika Sullivan (31:04.19)
Yeah, I would say it's an even mix because I've had clients who have like 3000 lives on earth and more, and that's a lot, right? At least I feel it's a lot. And then I have had clients who are here for the first time on earth, right? So it's a range, but I think we're just starting to build this body of knowledge in terms of what

Susan Sutherland (31:16.882)
Yeah, I feel this a lot.

Ulrika Sullivan (31:30.742)
what a soul can experience. I've had clients who have had multiple, multiple lifetimes in inner earth, for example, which is heavily grounded in planet earth, right? So I think we're just starting to know what the...

Susan Sutherland (31:33.736)

Susan Sutherland (31:43.661)
Okay, tell me more about that.

Ulrika Sullivan (31:57.122)
potential is, what the possibilities are. Right now we want to reach out to the cosmos and kind of associate that planet Earth is like, okay, one thing, but then we have all these different fixed stars and planets we can have experiences with as a soul. But what we are not considering is, for example, our own planet, what it actually is, and that

has been referenced through history books as well. And I think, you know, it's just amazing to start to explore this, these soul journeys, because it's like a blank page, right? When you start reading somebody, where that's gonna take you. So, that's pretty cool. I feel it's easy to consider earth as, because that's where we are now, right? My soul is here and who knows where else, right?

But yeah, and what the potentials are for experiences, whether it's in Earth or in galactic black holes, right? So.

Susan Sutherland (33:10.94)
But all of this just helps you like I'm going through with the book club right now and of course in miracles and it is just about not identifying with the body. And what a great way to not identify with your body than to understand how many crazy experiences you've already had.

Ulrika Sullivan (33:30.342)
Yeah. And it's also speaking to, and it kind of helps us in a way to relate to our current life here. That we can, you know, raise our perspective to observe ourselves as we have experiences here in human form, which is really the main experience right now, at least it is for many.

Susan Sutherland (33:32.43)

Susan Sutherland (34:00.528)
but you can live free, a freer life. I feel like for a little while, people were saying YOLO, like you only live once, and that was your permission to go do anything. But don't you feel like you only live a million trillion times is even more freeing?

Ulrika Sullivan (34:12.81)

Ulrika Sullivan (34:19.186)
It is, yes. And to understand your, yeah, exactly. That's the thing, right? You are here on the terms of your soul contract, which is a certain experience. But next experience you're going to have, you may, so yes, what you do in this life depends a little bit about what your soul contract is, but there's...

Susan Sutherland (34:21.148)
Like, can't get it wrong.

Ulrika Sullivan (34:44.938)
No limitation. I think that's your point, right? There's no limitation to the experiences that we can have as a soul. And yeah, some lives are...

Susan Sutherland (34:56.584)
But it makes me think like, do I really want to sit behind a desk 70 hours a week? No. I'm just saying switch it up people.

Ulrika Sullivan (35:00.482)

Ulrika Sullivan (35:05.93)
Yeah, and you're bringing up a super important point. What I see in many of my readings is the desire to, in this life, connect with your own life force, your own inspiration, creativity, and all of the things that comes with that. Like you say, if somebody is not inspired by sitting behind a desk, that's the call, right?

What is it that inspires you? And maybe that's the learning, right? To awaken that during this life. And yeah.

Susan Sutherland (35:43.852)
Okay. I have a question for you. Hopefully this will make sense, but from everything I listened to it's, it's how everything is aligned for earth 2000 something years after Jesus that this awakening is primed because of

how the whatever is out there is positioned. I don't know anything about astrology, but what do they see that makes this the time for all of this to be happening?

Does that question make sense?

Ulrika Sullivan (36:21.197)

Ulrika Sullivan (36:25.678)
How do we know this is the time?

I think if you look back, it's been a lot of, so to answer your question, I think there are cycles that we go through. And this experience that we go through now is just one experience, right? It may not be it, because how can it be it, right? We just want to make sure that...

Susan Sutherland (36:41.768)

Ulrika Sullivan (36:57.91)
We're here now and it becomes it, right? So it's an experience we're going through as a collective.

And it's an experience as any else.

So that's just my sense when I tune into kind of the cyclical nature of things, right? As a human, we want to put the beginning and an end to stuff.

Susan Sutherland (37:26.5)
No, I just wondered like if I looked at the chart and they were like, well, of course it is because Neptune's there and this is here. So of course it's now that's just why I don't speak French is what I'm trying to say.

Ulrika Sullivan (37:27.786)
but it's not really.

Ulrika Sullivan (37:37.4)
Yeah. It depends on what outcome you're focusing on. And I think that's my point, right? We tend to focus on outcomes and not on the journey. And

Susan Sutherland (37:52.504)
I think even more what I'm saying is this uptick of not only technology over the past hundred years, but people desiring more information. Who am I? But on a who am I broader scale. And it feels like there is a greater connection to this divine knowledge that the veil has thinned. And I didn't know if that was somehow.

in the stars and aligned that now people are starting to say, wait a second, there's so much more to me than this.

Ulrika Sullivan (38:23.618)

Ulrika Sullivan (38:28.087)

Yeah, yeah, and I get your question. And I think there are, like astrology is like a downhill slope with ports, right? You go through. So astrology will show you these, where these, you know, they call ports, you know, that exit, yeah, like the things that you have to go around the slope down, right? That the...

Susan Sutherland (38:49.357)
exit ramps.

Susan Sutherland (38:54.548)
Okay, obstacles, yeah, yeah. Potholes.

Ulrika Sullivan (38:58.006)
So astrology is like that. It gives you the goalposts on what you can, you know, what you can take aim at, if you want. And one of the, you know, we have only followed astrology and, you know, for a couple of thousands years, at least we don't know how much before

the documentation we have access to, right? But, you know, those goalposts are giving us the indication whether it's a major thing, whether it's a minor thing, whether it's a rare conjunction or formation of planets. It's just our way as humans to try to know something that's unknown.

But it helps us to validate. It's like a mirror of reality and the way we interpret it here on earth, right? So I think what is speaking to this is it energy right now is definitely Neptune going into Aries, for example.

along with Saturn in February, I think February 15th, 2026. Neptune is our spiritual guidepost, if you will. And when we look at trans-Neptunian objects that are coming into our consciousness, such as those asteroid as Sedna, as Homaea, as Orcus,

Ixion and all of the Kuiper Belt objects. They are beyond Neptune. So.

Ulrika Sullivan (40:58.59)
You know, it's this consciousness evolution that we're in and that ingress of Neptune, along with Saturn, which is carrying the lesson, right, for the human race, likely, if you look at it that way, when, and there's a lot of outer planets shifting signs about, you know, in the same year, 18 months.

Let's say that is kind of a major goal post, right? You're halfway down the slope this way. You know, maybe that's kind of where the arch is coming in. You can see it, but.


Susan Sutherland (41:42.06)
Okay, fascinating.

Ulrika Sullivan (41:42.722)
So that is one of the goalposts, I believe, that is telling us that it's a significant consciousness shift that we're part of as the cycle that we're in.

Susan Sutherland (41:52.581)

Very cool.

Ulrika Sullivan (41:55.742)
and especially also Sedna's orbit telling us that she's coming closer and closer to Earth to bring in some of these new higher vibrating energies. She has an orbit of, I believe, 12,000 years or more. If we take all of those factors, and there are more factors than that together, it means that okay, it is now.

Susan Sutherland (42:25.028)
Right, it's aligned. Everything is kind of playing out where it's aligned for these energies to come together. So cool.

Ulrika Sullivan (42:25.543)
that we're afoking. Yeah.

Ulrika Sullivan (42:33.638)
Yeah, but astrology is a great tool for helping us as humans to feel a little more safe. Because we don't like the unknown, right? And that's what we're teaching ourselves now with Neptune's journey in Pisces, to trust the unknown and the unseen and all of that. Because there's so much more than what we can imagine.

that we're capable of.

Susan Sutherland (43:02.532)
Yeah, so much more. Well, I thank you for your time. Working with you has been amazing. It's given me insight into stuff that is so beyond my understanding, but the downloads that happen after working with you where it's like, this is what this means to you now, this is what you're working on now, it's really incredible. So I appreciate your work and I appreciate you spending this time with me.

Ulrika Sullivan (43:06.702)
Thank you.

Ulrika Sullivan (43:28.998)
Oh, thank you, Susan. You are an amazing, an amazing soul with a big mission here too. And you're just kind of coming into the groove here. So yeah, it's an honor to have been working with you. And I hope a lot of people are tuning into Susan's podcast. She's awesome.

Susan Sutherland (43:39.665)

Susan Sutherland (43:52.232)
Thank you. And I'm gonna link to your website. I highly recommend working with Ulrika. So thank you for your time and I'm sure I'll be working with you again.

Ulrika Sullivan (44:03.83)
Thank you, Susan.

Susan Sutherland (44:04.988)
Thank you.

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