Wake Up with Susan

Raise Your Vibration!

Susan Sutherland

This episode is about tips and tricks to Raise Your Vibration so that you are consciously cocreating the life of your dreams. 

We are tuning forks and our experiences are in accord or in "a chord" with the frequency that we are vibrating.  Want to uplevel your experiences, then it is time to raise your vibration.

One of my favorite Abraham Hicks Rampages is posted in the Facebook group. Join us there to watch and to share and compare favorite ways to raise your vibration.

Find me on Instagram and TikTok and learn more about me and how to work one on one with me on my website.

Watch the full episode on YouTube.

(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.So let's do it (0:10) together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.(0:17) We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs (0:22) and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi, family.Thanks for tuning in today. Today I want to talk to you about raising your vibration. (0:36) So you are like a tuning fork.Do you know what a tuning fork is? It is an instrument that is used (0:44) and when sounded, it emits a frequency and is only responded to by the exact same pitch. And so if it (0:55) sends out 440 hertz, it will only get a response from an instrument that is set correctly to the (1:03) same frequency. And we are like that, where what we put out is what we get back.And that's not (1:12) just like talking about karma or anything like that. It is, it is like the science behind the (1:19) universe that your vibration determines your experience. And what determines our vibration? (1:27) A lot of our mindset and how we are showing up for ourselves and showing up in this world.(1:35) And so when we can consciously raise our frequency, we are raising our experiences. (1:44) We are attracting that which we desire. And so one of my pet peeves is when people talk about, (1:53) you know, oh, I'm a manifester or I'm practicing the law of attraction.Not that that's bad. However, (2:01) you would never say that you're practicing gravity. It just is what it is.We're all (2:07) practicing the law of attraction. What they mean is they're doing it consciously. So they are (2:13) trying to really pay attention to their mindset and how they show up in the world to affect (2:20) what they attract into our lives.But you would never, you know, think that somehow if you weren't (2:28) practicing gravity, that it would not affect you. Like everybody is a co-creator in this lifetime, (2:37) whether or not they are aware of it or not. And I think that's probably one of the big struggles.(2:46) When you start learning that we're energy and how frequency works and how manifesting works, (2:56) the issue with it is that it's not all just a vision board. Because yes, you're intentionally (3:03) trying to create certain experiences or call in certain material things. But you also have to (3:10) accept the accountability for calling in the experiences and the challenges that you may have.(3:19) Because that is also what you're manifesting. And so we have to get to a point of 100% (3:27) accountability. Yes, I do think, you know, our blueprint is set before we get here where we (3:32) might have mapped out a couple key relationships or key challenges.But the rest of it is based on (3:40) your frequency. And that is what you have control over. And while it can be frustrating, or (3:48) almost saddening at first when we have to say, I created this mess.Like, yeah, you did. But it (3:56) ultimately should be empowering, because we do get to shift our frequency, we can change our (4:04) vibration, and we can really adapt how we're showing up in the world so that the world shows (4:11) up differently for us. So I'll give you two images of how I see things.One is a sailboat. And so (4:21) when you've got the anchor down, pulling up the anchor is doing your inner child work. (4:27) It is identifying your limiting beliefs and the expectations of others and the challenging (4:33) relationships.And really working through those challenges is like lifting your anchor. (4:41) But setting your sail and choosing your course that is based on raising your vibration and really (4:49) committing to living a joyful life, a purposeful life. That is how you can shift the direction that (4:57) you're going in.Or you could see it as a hot air balloon. And so if you've ever seen a grounded (5:04) hot air balloon, you might see four ropes that are tying down the basket. And so that's how I see (5:11) our patterns and our limiting beliefs and all of the inner child work that we have to do (5:19) is really untying the ropes that bind us.It's just kind of letting go of the stuff (5:26) that's not meant to be there. But the flame that lifts you, the flame that's inside, (5:34) raising your vibration, that's about finding joy and having fun. So I want to discuss those (5:43) things because a lot of times we can get really heavy into that cord cutting, that anchor lifting, (5:49) which is really important and essential in this journey.It doesn't matter how big your flame is (5:59) if you're completely tied to the ground. But I just got back from the beach with my kids. And (6:05) so I'm thinking about all the things that I was really paying attention to while we were there (6:11) about lifting my vibration through play and having fun.So that's what we're talking about today. (6:19) One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration that I honest to God, I forget about, (6:27) and it's so easy, is finding music that just pumps you up, that makes you dance, that makes you laugh, (6:36) that makes you, you know, throw back to when you were in high school dancing around or whatever (6:42) that has that just uplifting feel to it. So it could be based on the lyrics or it could be (6:51) that it takes you back to a time that just makes you smile or makes you move.(6:59) And I say I forget about it because a lot of times I'm listening to audiobooks when I'm doing, (7:06) you know, folding laundry or when I'm prepping dinner. I try in the car a lot to not have (7:14) anything on. It's kind of my quiet time to talk to myself and spirit.But then sometimes I'll be (7:22) in the car with the kids and we'll put some music on and it puts me in such a good mood. (7:29) And we'll have little sing-alongs and I'm instantly lifted up by whatever music we're (7:36) listening to. And so it is one of the quickest fixes for a mood.And right now there's some, (7:45) somebody's already done the heavy lifting for you. If you go to Spotify, you can go to High (7:50) Vibe playlist and there's a billion of them. And then you just click around to somebody who (7:55) kind of shares your vibe.But some of them could be songs with just really uplifting (8:04) gratitude music or affirmation type lyrics. Or it could just be beats that are amazing. (8:15) But YouTube is also just chock full of healing frequencies.And there's even this little boy (8:24) who sings in the God frequency. And I love, I'm gonna have to look up what his name is, (8:31) but he was originally on The Voice, I think. But I found his YouTube channel and will listen to (8:38) him sometime when I just need an instant uplift of my vibration.If I'm feeling low and feel like (8:45) I need to like find oneness in no time, I can listen to his song. There's a couple of YouTube (8:55) creators who sing light language, which is like a soul language. There's different languages for (9:05) different star systems.But it's just this beautiful, you won't recognize the words, (9:13) it's like a soul language. But sometimes just having that on in the background uplifts me. (9:19) Or finding somebody playing the handpan.There's all these different ways to connect with music (9:27) that will instantly raise your vibration. And so think of the artist or think of the songs (9:36) that just put you in that good mood that you can't not smile when you're listening to. I know for a (9:45) we were on a little bit of a, we were on a music trip with the family where everybody had a couple (9:54) go-to songs.And one of mine was Pink, Never Gonna Not Dance Again. That just put me in such (10:04) a good mood. And then my daughter kept playing Moana, You're Welcome.So it's the rock singing (10:13) You're Welcome from that movie. And that also ended up on my playlist where it was just like (10:20) you can't listen to it and not just be smiling from ear to ear. And so that's a definite one (10:28) for me.If I want to just be in a good mood and sing a song and be silly and feel amazing, (10:35) either of those songs are go-tos for me. I'd love to hear what yours are. So please come over and (10:43) share them with me and I can add to my playlist.Another one that I really like is, I personally (10:52) like, I know this is not for everybody, but playing board games. I think it's really fun. (11:00) I also like playing hide and seek or old man kick the can or any of these fun games.We played (11:08) ping pong when I was at the beach. And gosh, we played chess. All of those things where you can (11:16) just be childlike is really fun.And so if you stop seeing things as, oh gosh, I have to do this, (11:24) and see it as an opportunity to play, to be childlike, to have fun, that is a great way (11:32) to raise your vibration. Also, I'll say from this weekend, jumping in the ocean, (11:38) if you were jumping waves, that is joyful. Is that true for everybody? I'll say for me, (11:45) jumping and playing in the ocean, that felt very high vibe for me, like connecting with nature, (11:55) but in a very playful way was wonderful.Basically, anytime you can be childlike and silly (12:03) or funny or creative, go do art. And that might mean drawing pictures in chalk in your driveway. (12:13) It could mean doing watercolor or doodling or coloring in a color book.But as long as you (12:23) can see it as without expectation of perfection, this is not meant to be stressful or where you're (12:31) feeling judged because I can do better. It's meant to be free and to be fun. But we are here (12:37) to be creative.And so when we allow that kind of expression, it is a great way to raise your vibe. (12:47) When we think of any time we are expressing in a free way, if you are singing and dancing and (12:58) moving or doing yoga or playing sport or painting and doing art, those are just really great ways (13:08) to express the true nature of who we are. And then, later you can go and you can do your (13:18) human thing and you can pay your bills and go to work.But when you are really focused on (13:24) raising your vibration, it is about expressing ourself in such a grander way. And that's really (13:32) free of, like, do you ever, I am, I am not a good singer and I am from a family of good singers. And (13:42) so I think I learned in church to kind of sing under your breath where you're just kind of (13:48) lip-syncing the words.But it doesn't mean that. When I'm in the car, like that is permission to (13:56) belt. And it feels really good to just sing at the top of my lungs and not care what it sounds like.(14:04) So just being free with yourself to, to paint messily but fun or sing loudly even if it's off (14:14) key or dance if you think you have two left feet. But just to be super expressive and allow yourself (14:21) to do it in a way that doesn't feel judged. Like children express themselves so beautifully (14:30) without thinking, you know, it's somebody to me.Which is why they're so higher valued than we are. (14:37) So we have to learn from them to just kind of throw caution to the wind and just be and just (14:43) have a good time and know that that's actually really good for us is to, to lose all of those (14:53) inhibitions. And if you have to lose your inhibitions by yourself to be free, that's okay (14:58) too.I'm not going to sit there and belt super loud if I've got a car full of people unless (15:04) they're my kids and then we're all singing super loud and it's totally fine and really fun. But (15:09) if I have guests in the car, I won't be doing that. You're welcome guests.So another thing, (15:17) goodness gracious, go outside. Go outside. Actually go hug a tree.If you feel weird about (15:24) doing that, then just go walk really close to them. But being in nature is absolutely a great (15:32) way to raise your vibration. And sitting in nature, being bare, having being barefoot, (15:42) being bare feet, having bare feet.I don't know guys, I'm going to go with having bare feet (15:49) on the ground is fantastic. Going on a walk on the beach with no shoes. I know you could, (15:59) maybe you can walk faster in your sneakers, but goodness gracious, put those feet on the earth.(16:05) It is just good for you. It is good for you. Okay, I am going to tell you one little thing I do.(16:15) And if you drive near me and see me, then you might see me talking to my imaginary friend (16:21) because I have one. And when I need to express myself, when I am intentionally trying to (16:32) co-create a situation, when I am trying to elevate my circumstances or really intentionally manifest (16:41) something, this is a no brainer for me. I call my assistant and I tell her the amazing things (16:50) that have already happened to me.I tell her how I'm doing. I tell her about the great home helper (16:57) that I hired that helps me with laundry and tidies up the kitchen and takes the load off me. I tell (17:05) her about my new bookkeeper that is just phenomenal.I don't know how I'd ever live without (17:12) her. She is keeping all of my books and everything's on track. I tell her about the new (17:17) properties we found.She doesn't exist, but I assume that everybody who's driving near me (17:24) thinks I'm on a hands-free call, so I'm just talking away. And I will talk into existence (17:31) anything that I want to have. And as I'm talking, I can get pretty involved in my stories about (17:39) what's happening and how great and amazing everything is to where it feels real to me.(17:48) And that's a really good way to manifest. If you are living as if, if you are feeling the vibration (17:55) of what you seek as if it already is happening, that is a great way to match up. And so when I (18:03) call my assistant to tell them all of the stuff that has already happened, I essentially go on (18:12) a gratitude rampage.If you're familiar with Abraham Hicks, if you're not familiar with (18:18) Abraham Hicks, I still want you to look this up. Esther Hicks channels a collective that goes by (18:26) Abraham. And when she, she'll do like large gatherings and answer questions for people (18:33) through Abraham.No, Abraham answers through Esther. So she's a trans channel who is, um, (18:42) her consciousness kind of steps aside. Abraham comes in and Abraham answers questions.Anyway, (18:49) Abraham teaches her students, her participants about rampages of gratitude. And it would be like (18:59) where you start on a topic and it could be, I am so grateful for this podcast. I'm so grateful (19:08) that there are tools and apps that I can use to record from a closet in my home.I'm so grateful (19:15) that there's social media where I can share about it and reach people all over the world. (19:22) I'm so grateful that I have the ability to receive messages back from them. I'm so grateful.(19:28) And you just go on and on and on and on. And in doing so, and it can be about your health, (19:33) about your family, and it can be down to, you know, I'm so grateful I have light in this (19:38) closet that I'm not sitting here with candles trying to make this work. I'm so grateful I have (19:43) power that is powering my computer.You know, anything you can get, but you allow the momentum (19:50) to start snowballing where one little piece of gratitude is like, oh, and this, oh, and this, (19:57) oh, and this, and I have this and I have this and I have this. And you can just allow it to be (20:04) this, this momentum builder of the feeling of gratitude. And that raises your vibration so much.(20:11) But when you call your imaginary friend, you can allow it because they're not going to talk back. (20:17) They, it's the best listener you've ever had in your whole, whole, whole life, your imaginary (20:22) friend. And so when you start talking, you can just keep going and keep going and let it snowball (20:29) until, you know, you have thought about, uh, whatever, the new yoga pants that you get to (20:37) work from home in, because now you are doing exactly what you wanted to do and you get to do (20:43) it from your home.And now you're there and you get to meet your, your kids at the bus stop every (20:48) day. And you're not missing out on things and you're making your own schedule and you can keep (20:52) going and keep going, but she's not going to interrupt you. And so you can allow that momentum (20:57) ball to build of gratitude for everything.And that is y'all that's the way to go. That is the (21:07) way to call in what you like, become the vibrational match for it by acting as if it has already (21:16) happened. Let's see.Yeah. Oh, okay. I wrote it down and I know, (21:27) I know this is not for everyone.This is okay. First of all, this is for everyone. (21:35) You are what you eat.You, you are consuming energy into your energy and the higher vibrational (21:44) foods that you have, the higher it will contribute to your vibration. So what does that mean? If you (21:53) are eating packaged processed food, it will have a lower vibration than something that was living, (22:02) that has life, that which had life gives life. Now, where am I going to say, but right here.(22:10) Um, well, as I have learned, as I, you see me just like tiptoeing over things. (22:20) Um, as I have learned about like how energy is held from, from the time that we purchase it, (22:31) or, you know, when did you acquire that? It has helped me get rid of some of my things. (22:37) Like I'm hanging on to this shirt because maybe I'm gonna use this blue colored shirt.I haven't (22:45) in three years, but you never, you just never know when you're going to use a blue colored shirt. (22:50) And when I really started understanding that, okay, well, what's my vibrational match at the (22:58) time that I got that? What, what was the energy that I held at that time? And is that something (23:05) I really want to hang on to? Or do I know how much I have grown and changed over that time? (23:13) And now I can release this and know whatever I have at this time would, would be kind of a higher (23:22) vibrational match for me. Now that's one way for me to go through purging and decluttering is just (23:30) saying, you know what, I'm going to get something that's a vibrational match for me now.And it's (23:36) easier for me to let it go. And so if you've got things that you're holding on to, but you (23:44) remember it was like, Oh, well, this is the dress I wore when he broke up with me. Go.Like I get (23:51) that it's a memory, but maybe it's not the one we want to hang on to anyway. So that had nothing (23:58) to do with what you're going to eat. However, if you have learned anything about our (24:07) animal harvesting in America, you can understand that a lot of the animals harvested (24:15) go through periods of fear.Trauma is like a traumatic slaughtering in addition to a very (24:24) low quality life. So that is not to say everybody has to be a vegetarian. I do not think that that's (24:34) necessarily the case.But I do want you to understand that what you consume holds energy. (24:41) And so do you. And so you're shifting your vibration based on what you consume.Now this (24:47) is what I was thinking about when I was trying to figure out how to present this because I don't (24:53) want it to be where it was like Susan said everybody should be a vegetarian. No, I'm not (24:57) saying that. In fact, I think there's certain people's body that that would probably be (25:04) not good for.However, you have to understand that we no longer live in a culture where there's like (25:11) a hunter and a gatherer and somebody goes out and you know kills a deer and that's what you eat (25:19) for a little while with your gathering stuff and then you would have another animal way later. (25:25) We've gotten to where we consume so many animals and so many animals that are not treated in a (25:33) good way and not what is not butchered. I don't know.It's not harvested. I mean, anyway, you (25:43) know what I mean. End of life is no good.Life is no good. And you have to admit that's like (25:50) very low low vibrational energy that you're consuming. Now this is what I was thinking about (25:58) earlier is if you buy a crystal or you buy an oracle deck before you would use them (26:08) what would you do? For me, I would cleanse them and then I would set the intention.So, I would (26:16) I would cleanse it with sage or palo santo or intention only but I would say (26:24) please allow the stone to be cleansed of any negative energy in its formation or its journey (26:32) to me. And I would do the same with the oracle cards like any negative energy or anything that (26:39) is low vibrational please allow that to be released so they may be used for my highest good. (26:45) So, what I'm saying in regard to meat is I think that prayer and blessing your food (26:55) and really asking for it to be used for your highest good and the highest good of all (27:02) is really important of releasing anything that is of lower energy that has that has been stored in (27:12) that energetic body that is now to be consumed by you.Really set the intention for anything that (27:20) you consume to be used for your nourishment and the highest service in your lifetime. So, (27:28) I guess what I'm saying is bless your food y'all bless your food whatever you're eating (27:35) bless your food. Another important thing to do as you are shifting and raising your vibration (27:45) is to make sure that how you are speaking to that beautiful soul in the mirror (27:54) aligns with the high vibrational person you want to be and if that means you need to have an alter (28:00) ego or something until you can get in the habit that when you see yourself you're like hell yeah (28:09) I love you you are amazing your body's amazing your mind's amazing you are doing good things (28:15) until you can get in a habit of speaking like you would for somebody you are pumping up for the (28:24) biggest day of their life.That should be how you speak to yourself. Mel Robbins had like a high five (28:30) challenge where you give yourself a high five in the mirror because you can't you can't give (28:37) somebody an ugly look if you're high-fiving them it's always there's always a positive (28:41) connotation with a high five it's a let's go we got this and so even if you have to put a sticky (28:49) note with a couple nice things and you put it exactly beside where your head will be on that (28:56) mirror and you just read it like it's a teleprompter but you do it until it becomes a rhythm (29:02) until you can see that person in the mirror and be like you can do anything you are limitless (29:09) you are unstoppable let's do this until you can say hey you make healthy choices you make decisions (29:19) that that fuel your level 10 lifestyle until you're all of your interactions with that reflection in (29:27) the mirror sound like affirmations you're not like oh what is this you know oh my god i look (29:34) like crap oh my eyes are this my hair is this did it no no no no no no no that mirror represents (29:44) your future self how you speak to that person is essentially what you are putting out to the world (29:53) like i want the best for this person so i'm going to treat them

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