Wake Up with Susan
Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful but often confusing and lonely journey. I created this podcast because it is what I needed which is someone sharing their own experiences so I knew I wasn't alone.
My name is Susan Sutherland. I am a married, mom of 3, an intuitive healer and spiritual coach. Like many of you, I have been called to rise up and shine my light. I am constantly learning and growing and have dedicated myself to helping others remember their true divine nature and being an ambassador of love. I hope to share everything I can to help you feel connected, and supported, and to tune into your spiritual gifts.
Grab a cup of coffee and let's wake up together.
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I am Love: My First Book of Affirmations: Sutherland, Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Your Energetic Vote!
This episode is I share the hard truth that my spirit guides shared with me about the election and my participation in it. The only way we can influence change is to call back our power and understand how we are contributing. I need you all to understand this message because I truly believe that most of us genuinely want wonderful things for our country and its people, we have just embraced the dialogue of division.
As we navigate the aftermath of political turmoil, it's crucial to acknowledge the role of free will in shaping our collective reality. I delve into the importance of taking responsibility for our choices and focusing on the values we wish to cultivate. Each day presents an opportunity to consciously choose where we place our energy, contributing to a harmonious society that reflects shared values. Let's embark on this journey of accountability, love, and light, and create the future we all yearn for.
Thank you for listening and using your voice and your vote (energetic now) for love and harmony.
If you want to join me to create happiness in your holiday season, please sign up for HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS! In person and remote options available. More info on my website.
Watch this episode in full on my Youtube channel @susutherland222. Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok.
Rise and shine everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy and sometimes lonely journey, so let's do it together. I'm your host, susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor. We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. Hey everybody, thanks for joining me today.
Speaker 1:Today is a hard episode for me to record, because I am going to share something that I think is super personal for me, but also probably really important for all of you to know and understand so that we can move in the direction that we want to. The election was last week, and for many of us, it came as a bit of a heartbreak. If that's not the case for you, I want to really encourage you to keep listening. My message is not to create division. It is to create awareness of the role that we play in this creation. Okay, and when we look at the policies that we're supporting or the things we are railing against, this is a really important message, and so I think, if you are listening to this podcast, whether or not we voted the same way, I think what we choose for our country is abundance and prosperity and, I hope, equality. We choose for us to all have opportunities and to live in peace and community and to really enjoy living here. If you are listening from abroad, then you have likely shared in my ponderings of what the hell just happened. So I'm going to go through my take on things Well, not my take on things, because my take was very similar to your take. However, after days of saying how could this have happened? How could this have happened, I got, I got the answer and um, and it was hard. It's hard to accept because a lot of times it is so much easier for us to point a finger and to place blame than to accept our role and really honor the accountability that we have in this process. So here we go. I voted for Kamala Harris.
Speaker 1:I live in a blue county, in a red state. Okay, I border and I mean like three miles over another red state, and I tell you this because I love the people in my community. I don't have any issues with my community. When I travel outside of my community, I find people to be kind, I find people to be generous and loving. When we traveled this summer, we went to Colorado, which is blue, blue, and then we went to many, many red states and what I found were was what I found was that the people were kind and they were generous and they were loving and they were generous and they were loving. And so I typically don't listen to the news, I don't pay attention. I also have social media, and so what gets fed to me through social media is usually the worst of the worst, the biggest gaffes, the most egregious things that are said, and so that was my intake.
Speaker 1:And because of the misogynistic and blatantly racist rhetoric, because of the open discrimination, it, it, it was mind-boggling for me that someone like that could win the election. If you voted for him, please don't leave me. This is, this is not. This is not about your vote, it's about mine. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell you why I say that, why we're going there.
Speaker 1:Okay, so it really didn't cross my mind that he could possibly win. You know, having twice been impeached and being a felon and a rapist and all, it didn't cross my mind that this could have happened, right. And so after the election, I'm really sitting there for days, kind of in a fall going. How did this happen? How did somebody who you know at one point wouldn't have been allowed to vote, win the most of the votes? How could somebody who is not permitted to carry a firearm because of felony allowed the, the nuclear codes, like it just all like fooled me right. And so I don't actually need a answer to those questions for you, from you. So please don't write me. Don't write me to tell me how wonderful he is, if that's what you think. What I do think is that there are plenty who are traditional republicans, who felt they didn't have a voice except for him, and so this message very much is for you as well. Okay, because I'm going to tell you what happened.
Speaker 1:I sat there for days when I was trying to, um, meditate in the morning, and then I journal, and then I write like really write, not just journal, and I couldn't, I didn't have connection, I didn't. It just felt heavy. I sat there and I kind of messed around, but it was not exactly productive times, it was, it was a funk, and I just kept saying, like, how did this happen? And my disappointment for America felt so intense, right, that we have the majority of people who wish to take away rights from others and and I guess of all of the policies for me, like I really don't care about anything other. That's not true, that's going too far. I care about things, but what was priority for me is people having rights like people, just being able to live as they want to live. I don't care what your private parts look like, because I very much know that we are the essence, not the body body. So whatever parts you have really doesn't change who you are Like. If you alter your avatar, that's your business. Okay, I don't really care.
Speaker 1:I have been going to restrooms and locker rooms for a very long time and have never felt unsafe, and I really feel, if somebody wanted me to be unsafe, whether or not they're wearing the skirt really doesn't freaking matter. It's like my old friend Jack, my hospice friend. Oh, my goodness, I'm getting a frog in my throat because I'm not getting to the point, I guess. Anyway, my hospice friend said when I went to lock his patio door, he was like locks, keep out honest people, which is so true. Right, we are protecting ourselves against people who mean us no harm.
Speaker 1:Nevertheless, nevertheless, I was sitting there for days in contemplation, um asking how this could have happened, and and then I got on a call with my mentor and he shared his decision not to vote, which, you know, I kind of pondered about and I understand not being in in the grips of division, divisiveness I get that. I also feel like I came to play a part in America and this is kind of how we participate and a lot of times I wouldn't have felt the stakes are high, but having gay family members and really close friends and people in marginalized communities that I love and people that I don't know at all, that I want them to feel safe and secure and have opportunity, it felt important to me, right, and so I pondered that like, how did this happen? How did this happen? And finally, when the heaviness started lifting, my guides were able to get through to me and this is what they said. They said you voted one time for Kamala on a ballot, but you voted a thousand times for Trump with your energy, and you are a powerful creator and what you use your energy for was Trump.
Speaker 1:And I thought about it. And how many times have I said on this very podcast that the universe doesn't know a negative, that what we put out there is what we are desiring, and I had to sit with it. I had to sit with it and accept my part in this problem, my part in using my energy to elect what I didn't want. But I can tell you for sure that my energy in the past couple of weeks because I really did have the election tuned out, for you know, oh my God, it runs for 18 months, for a solid 17 months I was ignoring that and in the past couple of weeks, my thoughts, my thoughts, my words, my everything has gone to anything but Trump but Trump, but Trump but Trump. And I do know that is every bit of saying yes, please, yes, please, yes, please. And I did it. I have to acknowledge and claim that I've done everything I say not to do.
Speaker 1:I put all of my energy into that. I didn't put it into pro-Kamala, I didn't put it into pro-rights, I didn't put it into peace and love and unity. I put it into Trump. That's where I voted with my energy, and I have to own that shit. That is mine. I know better and I did it anyway and, quite frankly, folks, a lot of you did too. So we have to own this, and the cool thing about owning it is you take your power back, because when I was sitting on the couch feeling blame and disgust, I had no power. It was all of them.
Speaker 1:How did they do this? How did they do this? How could they elect somebody like this? Well, the how is not up to us, but the energy we gave was energy for Trump. Because if you are looking at a magnet and there are a thousand little balls of those tiny little balls, do you remember that face where you had a stick and you used the, the magnet to draw and give him a little beard and give him a mustache? I'm sure he has a name, but you used a little, a little magnet and you drug the, the tiny little balls everywhere to get this dude hair and facial hair. Anyway, let's pretend like all those little balls are available to us.
Speaker 1:And you've got the pro trump group, and I'm talking about that group has force, right, they are pro-Trump. They got Trump on their cars, on their hats, on their shirts, they've got flags. They are pro-Trump in a very heavily Trump, trump, trump, energy kind of a way. And then there's the pro-Kamala movement and maybe, maybe it had some force in some areas, or maybe we thought, you know, with decorum, we didn't need all of the energy going in such a vibrant way. So you have pro-Trump and you have pro-Kamala, but then you have the anti-Trump, the anybody but Trump, and I didn't pay a whole bunch of attention to what Kamala was saying because basically in my mind, I would have genuinely voted for a coat hanger as opposed to voting for Trump. So my pro-Kamala was non-existent. My anti-Trump was super heavy, so he is getting all of my energetic balls right. I have put all of my balls into his basket and a lot of you did too, right. A lot of you were so anti-trump that we voted energetically to put him in the office.
Speaker 1:So we don't have to determine how this happened. The universe determines how this happened, based on the energy of creation that we have used. Lord, what a hard realization that I had to go through to realize. That is exactly right. It is what I teach, it is what I know, it is what I believe and I did it Me. I'm the problem. It's me For real. The good news is, his name will not be in my mouth after today.
Speaker 1:I am speaking this podcast because I hope that you, if you are a red Republican who says how have we not got better options than this, then perhaps you also need to clean up your rhetoric of what you want. Speak back into existence what we want. If you are an independent who felt like you had no choices, we have to get the names of what we don't want out of our mouths so we can bring forward what we do want. And so it is important, as we shift our energy, as we know that we get to create, we shift our energy back to what we want Back to equality and opportunity and safety and security and abundance and all of the things that we want for this country.
Speaker 1:If what Trump got your vote with was fear rhetoric about, you know, immigration, invaders and all of this rethink how you are creating with your energy. Is it from that place of fear, or are you saying what I want is safety, what I want is security, what I want is, I don't know even justice, but think of the values that you have and create from there and not from a fear. Don't amplify what you don't wish to have. I know that as a collective, we are super powerful, and so if we shift our intention, if we try to stop speaking what we don't want, or if we stop using our platforms to complain, if we stop hoping that the other side fails. On the other end of this is our opportunity to create from love, to create and use our energy to call in, not just for ourselves, but for our country, that which we do wish to experience, and so it has been a rough few days, as I acknowledge and understand that I did.
Speaker 1:I not only canceled out my vote, I canceled, canceled out many votes and so, like I said, we don't have to figure out the how we put the energy towards him and then the how was provided in lower voter turnout in some of the swing states or lower voter turnout in some of the demographics that seem like a sure bet, and that's how we create it. We create the momentum and the universe is like here, and that's how we create it. We create the momentum and the universe is like here. I can make this happen for you, and among the hardest things for me to see post-election were the like. Thank you, god for saving our country and it just I just associating like Trump as God's choice or somehow that that he, that he, somebody who bullies handicapped people and lies and steals from small businesses is somehow restoring the values of the American people, like it cringes me up so hard.
Speaker 1:And then the next download was stop saying it's not God's choice. Y'all are God's creators, we are divine sparks and our will is God's will. So in this realm of time and space, we have free will to use it however we want right. And so the will was done. We voted and that was God's will, and so my cringy version is somehow making it that God is of the values that I love and appreciate, but truly God is in everything. God is in everything, including our choices that I don't agree with, and so me feeling like something is outside of God. That's my shortcoming. That's my work. This was God's choice in that we are free to choose. We are free to choose and God allows us to do that. That's why we're here is to learn and grow and create through our own free will.
Speaker 1:Now, do I think the lessons are going to be very different based on the choices we make? Of course I do, and a lot of the people who made a choice are probably not going to be the ones who benefit from the choices made. However, to see it outside of God's will, that's on me, that judgment's on me, because I know God is no less in what I perceive as bad as what I perceive as good, and so, as I make these shifts, I'm asking you to come with me. I'm asking you to stop blaming. First of all, I really like acknowledging my part in this creation, because it allows me to go back to knowing America as the loving, kind place that I do enjoy living here. Right, and so I have a lot of questions about how people cast their votes, but now I know it wouldn't have mattered.
Speaker 1:We put so much energy behind him that it had to be, and so if there was one speech or one sentence that resonated with somebody, we gave them that momentum. We aligned their ears to the message because we put so much energy behind it. And I like being in control. I like knowing that this was part of my problem and not just blaming other people, because I only have control of me. I only have control of how I'm showing up in this world, and to know that I can make changes and that they matter is really important. To know that I can use my voice and tell you guys, hey, we screwed up. We screwed up so much. So you know what I'm going to do I'm going to take the man's name out of my mouth After this podcast.
Speaker 1:There's going to be no more Trump talk for this girl. There is going to be no more energy sent his way. What I am going to do is talk about the things I want and it's mind-blowing to me because I did post that I want more love and unity and inclusion, but in leading up to it, I completely abandoned all understanding of how we create, and all I said was not Trump, not Trump, not Trump, not Trump, not Trump, not Trump. In this full steam momentum ball to say here Mr Trump, would you like all my energy? I'd like to give it to you, please. So I know I'm cleaning up my act. I'm hoping that you will too. And if you, you voted red and would prefer candidates of different values, of I don't know, non-felon racist, I don't know, maybe you too can clean up how you give him your energy and put it into the values you would like to see more of.
Speaker 1:I think we all have work to do, because I know, know, know, know, know that what we all want is a harmonious country. We want a country that can live in peace, not just with our neighbors, but with each other. That's what we deserve. We deserve a home that feels good. It feels good to go to the grocery store and it doesn't matter if somebody had a difference of opinion. You can love and respect them and that's the America I know we can be, once I stop contributing to creating otherwise, once you stop contributing to creating otherwise, once we stop talking about how awful things are and blaming the other side for our miserable lives, when we know full well that many of us are doing really good. But we are focused on the one aspect that's struggling, instead of the many, many, many that are prosperous, the many that are loving, the many that are abundant.
Speaker 1:So I'm shifting my rhetoric and this is my invitation to you to take accountability for where you put your energetic vote and know it has so much more power than your electronic ballot. So mind your energy, mind where you are casting your votes, not just today, but every day going forward. Are you putting your energy into the communities, the leaders, the opportunities you are wishing to create? So tomorrow starts a new day for me, a new day forward really being mindful and I feel like I always am, but this was a big one and I definitely felt my guides checked me on this. They checked me. You gave her one vote and you gave him a thousand with your energy and they were spot on. I screwed this one up, so I'm cleaning it up. I'm sending you lots of love and light as we move forward in positively creating the community that we want to live in. I love you so much. Thanks for listening.