Wake Up with Susan
Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful but often confusing and lonely journey. I created this podcast because it is what I needed which is someone sharing their own experiences so I knew I wasn't alone.
My name is Susan Sutherland. I am a married, mom of 3, an intuitive healer and spiritual coach. Like many of you, I have been called to rise up and shine my light. I am constantly learning and growing and have dedicated myself to helping others remember their true divine nature and being an ambassador of love. I hope to share everything I can to help you feel connected, and supported, and to tune into your spiritual gifts.
Grab a cup of coffee and let's wake up together.
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I Am Love - My First Book of Affirmations- available on Amazon
I am Love: My First Book of Affirmations: Sutherland, Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Overcoming Self-Doubt
Ever feel like you're stuck in a loop of procrastination and self-doubt, wondering if you'll ever break free? I'm Susan Sutherland, and I'm pulling back the curtain on my own messy journey of spiritual awakening and self-discovery in a candid discussion about facing fears and moving through limiting beliefs.
This episode is a call to move beyond the shadow of self-doubt and other limiting beliefs that are not in alignment with the 2025 version of you. We are going to tackle eliminating these beliefs that hold us back, but first we have to get real and recognize patterns that hinder our growth. Let's support each other in overcoming obstacles and celebrating successes, setting the stage for a transformative year.
Want to go through the process of removing these limitations? Follow along on my YouTube channel or on TikTok as I put the tools to work!
Ready for one-on-one help with an Intuitive Reading or Mentorship? Schedule your appointment or discovery call today.
Rise and shine everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy and sometimes lonely journey, so let's do it together. I'm your host, susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor. We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. Hey everybody, thanks for tuning in.
Speaker 1:I am coming to you after hours and hours of procrastination because I am going through some new levels, some new opportunities to uncover and work through limiting beliefs. So that's what we're going to talk about today, and I'm going to continue to try to, as I work through these, really pay attention to the methods that I'm doing so that I can share these with you, so so that I can share these with you. So, first of all, when you see somebody showing up on social media, please remember that you are getting the final cut, and what you don't get is the hours of procrastination, is the redos and the outtakes, sometimes because there's a desire for perfection and sometimes because they are really struggling with their own self-worth or their own self-judgment in putting themselves out there. And so I think I need to be vulnerable and share with you all, because I hope that, in understanding people who may appear to be confident, may appear to have things together and have it all figured out, they are also working through their stuff, and so know that you are not alone in the journey. We are all going through these paces, and where our limitations are not the same, we can work through them in similar ways. And so I am hosting my very first event by myself this weekend, which has brought up so many limiting beliefs for myself, and I'm having to work through those, and so now they're kind of glaring at me in the face.
Speaker 1:Even I was working with Christina when I was putting this together, and she's like you have to put it out there seven times before people even take notice. And did I do that? No, I didn't, but I would think about it every morning and then I would find different ways to procrastinate. And today is the day when I am having to really come to terms with this spiral path that we're on. And if you can just see a spiral going upward, it is not that once you work through something that you don't see it again. You get to see it, but from at a new level, and when I slowed down long enough. Now I can see so many limiting beliefs that are glaring at me just saying, hey, could you please work through this, could you please? Could you please give me some attention? And so I'm not going to go through all of the strategies today, but I am going to start paying attention because I want to bring these strategies to you.
Speaker 1:So the cool thing about when you're facing a similar issue that you've had before, but at a new level of an awareness, you get to have new tools in your tool belt to address them. Even I was thinking about it earlier and when I was doing residential real estate I still have properties, but I haven't bought anything to renovate in a while. But when I was doing that, each time my level of understanding grew. Now, quite fortunately, I had a very good contractor who helped me with it. But you can see it, as you know, in this project you are going to have to really have a deep dive in plumbing and then at the next house perhaps there's electrical craziness, but each time you get to bring that history and that experience and that knowledge with you into the next time you do a renovation.
Speaker 1:And so right now I'm doing a renovation on self-judgment and unworthiness and, you know, fear of judgment of others. Have I been there before? Why, yes, I have. Why, yes, I have. I've been there before, but now I feel like I do have more tools in my toolbox, that now I am willing to sit and face this. I am going to be able to work through them in a new way, head on, you know, and really address them. Does it mean they won't come up again? Absolutely not. I'm afraid that's not how it works. They will get to be reflected back to me in a new way down the road, but I will take this experience with me. I will take this experience of this struggle and having to see new limitations of myself, new fears that I have. I'm going to have worked through this by the end of the year. I'm setting myself some timelines of and that's even too long. It's not going to take me that long.
Speaker 1:But I also want to be able to have videos and share this with you, because I know that we're all going through these things, we all have these stumbling blocks, and it can allow us to fall back into negative patterns, into procrastination behavior, into mindless activity, because what we're doing is avoiding what we don't wanna confront and I will tell you I have been doing that massively. I mean, this morning I posted a video on TikTok about my bearded dragon lizard, like that is next level procrastination, because I didn't want to sit down and have a conversation with myself about what's going on, what these fears are. I didn't want to address them, and so now I'm telling you that I have them and this is how I am holding my feet to the fire, because it takes courage to be self-aware and that's where we all are. If you are listening to this podcast, you have self-awareness, which means it may take a little bit and you might resist and you might push back and procrastinate and try to get away from it. But you know, when you are avoiding looking deep in the problem and that can be in a relationship If somebody is giving you so much struggle, there's inside work to be done, and so when we are unwilling to take a deep dive, look in ourself and say, wait a second, this relationship is not going well, what? What am I supposed to see inside? That is being reflected back at me and a lot of times we want to point fingers and we want to avoid or procrastinate instead of doing that hard work and that's what I've been doing. So I did want to tell you that when you see somebody posting and it seems like they are super confident and going through life and like everything works out, just know that's not true. Now I'm happy as can be. I am freaking happy, my life is good, I love my life and also I struggle. I struggle so much.
Speaker 1:My word for next year is impact. I want to touch more hearts. I want to shine more light on people to let them know how freaking fabulous they are. Like I want to make so much of a difference. And here I am like, oh well, I don't want to post something today because I posted something yesterday. Maybe that's too much. But like, oh my God, how can you make an impact when you're so shit scared to even put yourself out there? So did I need all of this to come up for me right now? Of course I did. Is it uncomfortable? Of course it is.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to be going through in the next couple of weeks to use the tools in my tool belt to say, all right, the plumbing's not working. Let me get out my. What would a plumber get out? I don't know. Let me get out my plunger. You know what. You ain't calling a plumber for a plunger, but you know what I'm saying. Like I am going to look back at the tools that I have learned over the past five years and really put them to work, and in doing so, I'm going to remember what I want to share with you all, because I think 2025 can be such a year of positive love and growth, and if impact is your jam, it's going to be there for you.
Speaker 1:But I feel like when we focus so much on what we want to create, what we want to be and experience, we're going to be able to do that. But sometimes that means looking at that internal voice that's not in alignment with who you want to be, and so that's what I'm going to be doing is really taking a look at the self-doubt, putting a name to the limitations and really going through the practices that I've talked about on the podcast before. I talk about affirmations and rewriting your story, but I am going to really be putting those into practice to shift how I feel comfortable showing up, because it's hard, it's hard y'all. So I invite you to really look across your landscape right now, at your relationships, at your job, at your health and see where are you struggling. Because I want us to have kind of a get real campaign in the next few weeks where we can as a team, as a community, as the Wake Up With Susan Soul Tribe, we can be comfortable getting honest with what we've been avoiding, the stuff we've been avoiding looking at, because when you know somebody else is going through it, then you can have the courage to move forward. You can have the courage knowing you know what everybody's struggling a little bit. Everybody's working to be their better self, and I can do it too. So I'd love if you send me some messages and let me know what you're working on, because maybe I can tailor some content for you.
Speaker 1:Specifically what you're working on, whether it is health or family or different struggles you're having. Maybe you're like me and you want to put yourself out there as a coach or a influencer or whatever you want to be, but you are having that self-doubt like let's take a hard look at it because it's an inside job, everything is an inside job and so all of my struggles are my own problems. When I'm sitting here thinking like, oh God, what is she going to think about this? Okay, what does she represent to me? Because it's not about her, it's not about her at all, but if her name came to mind when I am thinking about doing something, then she represents a group that I have formed a limitation about myself around, and so then it is really trying to nitpick and get down to the core because we can fluff off. It's like Lord, why is this coming to mind? I mean, you can kind of take one of those little garment tape thingies where you roll the cat hairs off of your shirt, but if you go lay back down on a cat bed it's not going to work. So we are going to go to the source of the problem. I don't know why I came up with cat hair for that, but you know what I'm saying Like we are not going to treat the symptom, which is kind of what I've been doing, is I'll just be like, okay, you have to do this, just go do it. Okay, ready, set post, and I'll ready, set, post something.
Speaker 1:But I haven't gotten to my core beliefs about myself, and so a lot of times, taking action, taking inspired action, is the way forward. We just have to move through things that feel hard, feel hard, but if I want it to really really have an impact, I need to get at what is making it hard. What is my limitation, what are my beliefs about myself that is making it so hard to show up authentically or to show up regularly, or you know, in this space. And so I have got to just have some real talk sessions with Susan and see what's going on. I know what's going on, but I'm going to start working on it and I want all of us to really commit, because 2025 just has the potential to be so amazing if we don't get in our own freaking way. And so that's what I have been doing is setting my own hurdles out. It's like no soul family. I don't need y'all for this. I can provide my own obstacles. I can be my own ball and chain holding me back. And so this is real talk that I'm giving myself and sharing with you guys as a source of accountability for me to really do this, but also as an invitation, because in December, I want us to have some time reflecting back on the year, celebrating our successes and giving ourselves a pat on the back for all of our accomplishments, and also really setting the tone for the new year.
Speaker 1:I don't like waiting until New Year's Day. I feel like you should already have your plan and it shouldn't be. You know, I don't know. It should be more goals of a year of progress. Not, I'm going to do this. And that way, when you stop doing it on day seven, you're like, well, I failed. And you move on, like if you say I'm going to work out every day, and then you make it to day three and you don't work out, and then it's like, oh well, better luck next year. No, we're not going to do that. We are going to focus on really setting ourselves up to push ourselves forward in ways that we really want to, having milestones of achievement, but also not in some all or nothing kind of fashion, to where you get. You get off the hook when you drop the ball, because consistency is so much more important than perfection, and so we need to set ourselves up for success that way. But it requires looking ahead, looking at the year to come and really evaluating what are the big milestones you hope to achieve and what are some markers along the way.
Speaker 1:Well, my big goals are big goals and I cannot take this limited version of myself into the new year. It's just not working. She has got to go. I appreciate her. I appreciate her for showing me that, in spite of all of the work that I've done, all of the work that I've done, I still have this, this smallness in me, that that wants me to come and just tend to her, just just sit with her and be with her and understand why she's feeling this way. And so I'm going to have to do that over the next couple of weeks, because she does not have the same goals that I do, that I want to have for 2025.
Speaker 1:And so I invite you this week to get real with yourself and see, maybe you're, maybe you're cruising along, maybe you are doing perfectly and and showing up in all the right ways, but if there are areas that you feel like you are the biggest hindrance for your performance, for your success, first of all, good on you for recognizing that it could be you that is the problem, and not other people. But that puts you way ahead of everybody else. Who is blaming their boss, their coworkers, their spouse, their children, their schedule, their income, whatever. When you take on that accountability yourself, I am creating these problems. Like I'm telling you today, I am creating my problems. It is my limiting beliefs that are creating my problems.
Speaker 1:The good news about that I have the power to change them. I am in control, whereas if I put the blame on somebody else, then I am powerless to fix it, and I don't want to be powerless. I want to procrastinate, but I don't want to be powerless. No, I'm going to fix it and I don't want to be powerless. I want to procrastinate, but I don't want to be powerless. No, I'm going to fix it. And the only way I can fix it is by claiming it, by owning it and by saying it is mine to fix. So, as I do the work the next couple of weeks, I'm really going to take note of the strategies I'm using the plunger, I'm going to write down when I'm using a plunger and when I have other tools in the toolbox that I'm pulling out to really address what's going on with me, because I want to give you those tools. I want us to talk about it because we are not taking these limiting beliefs with us into the new year. We are ready to go forward with our biggest, most inspired selves. So we cannot drag this old version of us with us. So that is, that's the message for today.
Speaker 1:Just kind of understand that if you are comparing yourself to somebody online, you are doing yourself a disservice because all you are seeing is what they hit yes to Now when I post a video. In fact, let me tell you this Christina and I were having a coaching call one day and she was like you know, you need to do this, you need to do this, you need to do this. And two minutes after our maybe 10 minutes after our coaching call, she was like wow, that was fast, I did it. And then I sent her a screenshot of my 17 takes to do a 15 second video or something like. It's totally ridiculous. And so, whatever you're thinking of people who are putting themselves out there, just go ahead and know. You don't even know. You don't even know how much work it took or how much help they had or how many takes it took. So just stop. Just stop comparing yourself to anybody online because you do not know what's going on.
Speaker 1:In fact, do you know that I was seven minutes into recording this freaking podcast when Boda, the crazy cat Sphinx the Sphinx cat, who regularly walks across the screen, if you watch on YouTube she knocked? She basically did a desk clearing. She knocked absolutely everything off one end of my desk. It came completely and I was tempted. I was like you know what I'm talking about. Keeping it real. Maybe I should just keep all of this in there. But it was off screen and all you hear was a. It was a giant, giant collision. But I'm just saying you have no idea what's going on on the other side of any kind of content creation or putting yourself out there.
Speaker 1:So, first of all, give people who are putting themselves out there in any sort of way some credit and some slack, because I am sure it is super easy for some people, but for a lot of us it is a struggle and it brings up any bit of self doubt we could possibly have. This is how it comes through for us to work on, and I know I have big dreams. I have big dreams of what I'm going to do and how I'm going to put myself out there. And it is really funny because I'm like Universe why have you not brought to me speaking gigs with 2,000 people? I really like speaking to people. I'm really comfortable in front of people. Girl, you can't even make a 30 second video and be comfortable. So what are you doing so.
Speaker 1:We are given these little opportunities to continue working through what we're doing so that we can get to our goal. So, when you have these limiting beliefs come up, begin to recognize. When you start in a pattern of I mean, I've been using my phone in the bed instead of reading my books, like all of these patterns that I go through, I have to see, like I'm not showing up for me the way I want to, what's going on here and it takes me going. Okay, there's a whole nother layer of insecurity that I have to work through and that's why the stuff is coming up. And so the important part of having awareness is I can see it now. I can see that this has kind of been my pattern over the past week, two weeks, past two weeks, and now I can say all right, it's time for me to do the work. It's time for me to address this, as opposed to allowing the spiral to continue, allowing, you know, two weeks of a pattern to come into just a totally new routine of what I don't want to choose for myself. I want to choose to read and, to you know, spend my time watching courses and not shows. Now I will say I've been.
Speaker 1:I watched some game shows with my son. Sometimes we watched Naked and Afraid, but I think we've. We may have watched them all, but we watched Press your luck the other day no women, no women, no women and that was really fun. It's like a new whammy. So if you ever need some mindless time with your kids, they might like the pressure luck. And then we watch wheel of fortune. So it's know, I'm not saying all TV is bad. That is how I have fun with Brecken in the evenings, if we watch a game show or something, and that's really fun. But I can see that where I used to spend my time, when I am waiting on soccer practice, I would read or take a course, and last week I scrolled TikTok and that's not who I want to be.
Speaker 1:But I can see those kinds of patterns as me kind of running away from myself, allowing myself to go back to a version that I thought I left, and that means I just, I just have to. I got to sit with her, I've got to do the work because she ain't coming to the new year. So think about it, think what you've got going on. Where are you putting up hurdles on your track? We could jump over them, or we can just move them. We're just going to move them. We're going to move them off the track and we're going to start the new year without the baggage. So I hope you have a great day. I hope that wasn't too rambling, but it is what it is. I love you. Thanks for listening and I'll see you next week. Thank you so much for joining me this week. Be sure to not miss any upcoming episodes by subscribing to the podcast. That way, it's available automatically in your RSS feed. This is a crazy journey. Let's do it together.