Wake Up with Susan
Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful but often confusing and lonely journey. I created this podcast because it is what I needed which is someone sharing their own experiences so I knew I wasn't alone.
My name is Susan Sutherland. I am a married, mom of 3, an intuitive healer and spiritual coach. Like many of you, I have been called to rise up and shine my light. I am constantly learning and growing and have dedicated myself to helping others remember their true divine nature and being an ambassador of love. I hope to share everything I can to help you feel connected, and supported, and to tune into your spiritual gifts.
Grab a cup of coffee and let's wake up together.
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I am Love: My First Book of Affirmations: Sutherland, Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
The Great Awakening: Humanity’s Big Chance
Hey friends! Seeing Hamilton was a total game-changer for me—it lit a fire inside and started me on this incredible spiritual journey that I can’t wait to share with you. In this episode, we’re diving deep into how we can break free from the programming of fear, anger, and division that keeps us stuck in victim mode. Let’s take a cue from Alexander Hamilton and dare to stand for something real, instead of playing it safe like Aaron Burr.
We’ll explore how both religion and government often pit us against each other, fueling fear and keeping us in low-vibe states. But here’s the thing: we don’t have to stay trapped in that cycle. I’m challenging some traditional interpretations of religion and inviting you to rethink the historical and linguistic context behind biblical teachings. It’s time to rise above the noise and embrace higher vibrations of love, unity, and acceptance.
Together, we’ll uncover how to shift our mindset, awaken to our inner power, and inspire a more enlightened, harmonious world. Ready to join the battalion and fight with light? Let's get to it!
Rise and shine everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy and sometimes lonely journey, so let's do it together. I'm your host, susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor. We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. Hi, my family, welcome to this week's episode where shit's going to get real now. Okay, I have given little nudges, little taps, like hey, it's time to wake up. Let's wake up everybody. Wake up with Susan. But the lights are going on. Now we're done fluffing around. It is time for the lights to come on. We are ready for a revolution. Okay, let me just tell you rewind, rewind.
Speaker 1:Everything right now is a reference to Hamilton. I have had a Hamilton experience. I went to see the show in New York with Mark and while I was there, my body just felt almost electrified. The whole time I'm watching, which is this real sensation I get when I'm supposed to pay attention. So maybe you've had this happen before, where you're watching a book or a movie and something just grabs your attention and you know you are experiencing something that is beyond what's being presented, what is beyond the entertainment value. It's happened for me when I'm listening to a podcast and they might be talking about a modality or a healing technique, and I get this knowing that there's something more for me in it. And so it takes me deeper than what I am experiencing by listening to this podcast. It's a knowing that now I need to go and research this further. Well, that was my experience watching Hamilton. It was beyond the theater goer experience. And, amazingly enough, I get home and find that the tour is in Charlotte Now. Is that coincidental? No, is it synchronistic? Yes, it was divinely timed for me to then have the opportunity to go to repeat performances, so I ended up going two more times. And also, did you know that you can watch the original Hamilton with the original cast on Broadway on Disney Plus? You sure can, and you can listen to the soundtrack wherever you want to.
Speaker 1:I've been listening on Spotify because I have grabbed the lemon and I'm squeezing every last drop out of it because there has just been this knowing within me that there's so much for me to gain from it, and I'm not going to drop all those nuggets now, although the references just are sitting there on my chest. So if I talk about a revolution, please understand where I'm coming from. But there is this call we have right now to rise up, and I have been waking up in the middle of the night. I'm sure you've had this happen, where you may wake up with a song going in your head, and so it has been these songs about rising up. Rising up All right. Right now we're turning on the lights and we're waking up and I am not going to be tiptoeing anymore.
Speaker 1:When I started this journey about sharing my spiritual experience, I was told that I could tiptoe in. There's no sense in just going and cannonballing and making a big splash and being uncomfortable because it was already hard for me. But we're a couple years in of me, are we? Yes, it's nearly two years that I've been doing this podcast and I have still been tiptoeing and we're done with that.
Speaker 1:Okay, one of the things in Hamilton if you haven't watched the show, please go watch it. Maybe you'll get all these nuggets, like I did. But Aaron Burr, who is Hamilton's adversary and eventual killer? Surely you know that there was a duel and Burr shot Hamilton. But they had been political rivals forever and Aaron Burr's policy was essentially to keep all of his positions, all of his stances close to his chest. Because if you speak out on something then you are giving your enemy ammunition to come after you.
Speaker 1:And I realized I have been doing that a lot. I don't put things out there because either I don't want to upset somebody's apple cart of what they've thought their whole life or I don't want to be judged for having views that might be outside of mainstream or for real. I have worried that as my awareness and consciousness and understanding grows, that maybe something I put out there two years ago doesn't resonate with my new level of awareness. And once I put it out there it is no longer in my control and I've had to realize that I have that hesitation in putting stuff out there. And then I have to remember that it's not like some racist remark that you don't want to come back five years later. Racist remark that you don't want to come back five years later. What I'm saying may evolve and grow as my awareness and understanding does, but I have to own the fact that I'd rather stand for something than nothing at all.
Speaker 1:Hamilton questions this policy of Burr's and says if you stand for nothing, what will you fall for? All of this has just been spinning in my brain for weeks now, about pussy footing around. What I want to say, what I truly want to say, and one day you know what I really want I want to be one of those people who can just turn on my phone and start ranting on TikTok. That is my dream life to be like. This is the stuff I'm thinking about, this is the stuff that's coming through, and I have been so shit scared to do something like that. But that's really my dream is to be so comfortable expressing my opinions and my belief that it wouldn't matter. So, anyway, we're not there yet, but we'll see. We'll see, we'll see, because that really is a goal of mine is to just stop caring about polish, stop caring about somebody else's judgment.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I've taken a very Hamilton detour, but I'm telling you so much has come through about what is needed at this time and we have to fight, and what we're going to fight with is light. And let me tell you, this is not one side versus the other. This is not like Trump's in charge. Now we have to fight back. It is quite the opposite. Okay, this is not from the side of the woke left. This is the side of the awakened one, and what we need to understand is that your government, my government, most governments, but not all have been using pitting one side against the other side to control us. We are being controlled, and so if you're mad right now at the right, that's part of the problem. If you are so mad at the left, you are part of the problem.
Speaker 1:The anger that we have, which is manipulated, it is fed to us for this exact reason. You don't need to be likable if you can convince somebody they hate someone else, right? I mean, that's what's been happening, is they create our enemies and rally behind hating the other people. So we're going to talk. This has been done for millennia. This is how governments, this is how religion controls you. They manipulate sacred text to make it us against them and in doing so, we create this belief in hierarchy. Like we are the chosen ones. You are not Y'all. That is fed to us to control us. That's all it is. They are using fear and they are using hatred to manipulate us, and so when I tell you it's time to rise up, I mean everybody, I don't care what side you're on. This is a time to rise up. Now I will tell you that rising in this sense means elevating your consciousness, and I have talked about David R Hawkins' map of consciousness so many times.
Speaker 1:But what their goal is is to keep us in fear, to keep us in shame, to keep us in anger, because those are very low vibrations. When you are in a very low vibration, you cannot create a great life for yourself. You rely on the government, you rely on hating the other side. They teach us of how limited and scarce we are. We are not. We are experiencing scarcity because we have a scarcity mindset. Our thought creates our reality, and so you cannot put the effect in front of the cause. We do not have a scarcity mindset because we are scarce. No, no, no. We are scarce because we have a scarcity mindset. So they teach you to see others as outsiders, to see others as outsiders, the others who are taking away from your piece of the pie. Meanwhile, they know of abundance of energy, they know of how to use free energy, and they use it for their secret programs, and they don't tell us about it because it is all government manipulation.
Speaker 1:This is not a conspiracy theory. This is exactly how they are controlling the mass collective. They are keeping you small Small because you're so mad at the other side because you believe somebody is taking from you, or you're mad at the people who believe that, and neither of them are right, because when you stay in a vibration of anger and you stay in a vibration of fear, you are keeping yourself small. You are creating opportunities to be fearful, you are creating opportunities to be mad. You are that powerful, and when you have an entire country in a state of anger, in a state of fear, we fear everything. We fear people to the north and fear people to the south, and we fear our neighbors just down the road and we fear what's going to happen here, and they are producing this state of negative vibration that is ruling our country, and it's time to take our power back. So, some of the issues. Let's just talk about some of the issues that they use to pit us against one another.
Speaker 1:First of all, again, not the woke left here. Being woke means you have a heightened awareness and sensitivities to other cultures and advocate for fairness and tolerance. Somehow that has become a bad thing, that advocating for others would be a bad thing because of political overcorrectedness. And so let's not talk about woke, let's talk about awakened, we are waking up. Awakened, we are waking up. We are waking up to the fact that we are all collectively, of the one mind of God.
Speaker 1:You are an aspect of the same source that I am. So it's like if you have a gas range and the gas coming into the range is source and you are expressing yourself as the large left front burner. Congratulations, that is a great choice. You get to be the left burner in this lifetime. I chose to be the right back, small burner. That is how I am expressing. The gas is knowing itself through its expression in my right burner. That's how it works. We are all from the same source. We are given these containers to express ourselves in new ways, so that you can know what it's like to be that left burner. I've never been a right burner before. I'm so excited. Or maybe I'm a right burner all the time. I've nailed this role and I just keep doing it. Who knows what I'm saying is. When you realize that we are all from one, you can see how incredibly silly it is to be angry at somebody, to fear them. We are actually just one. You are me expressing in a different meat suit.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for being here for doing this, so I want to talk about some of the issues that they use to pit us against each other. First of all, religion. Like, oh my goodness, I do believe there are good churches and good ministers and good benefits of having communities of faith, but when they have you trapped in a fear cycle of needing to earn God's love or somehow thinking that those outside of your religion are less than or not worthy as, or that somehow you have earned a greater space in who we are, that's creating separation, and that is not what we are. We are meant to understand our oneness. I managed to avoid inauguration news, and not because specifically who was being inaugurated, but because I have a policy to avoid the news. That for me, is a self-love practice to not watch the news. But one of the people that I follow on YouTube had a message and she said she had so much hope because of how much God was mentioned during the inauguration and it kind of made my stomach turn right Because the only things I had seen were some really like questionable remarks and then the executive orders, and it just didn't feel like it aligned with the God that I know Now. This is why I have struggled with the term God because it is inappropriately used by most. I worked really hard to cure myself of that God.
Speaker 1:And that God creates separation, it creates division, and that is not who you are from. Not only is that so far from God, as I understand, that separation, that division, is seriously far from the teachings of Jesus, on which they lay the foundation for their discrimination. So we know that they are manipulating teachings, they are manipulating the law to separate and discriminate, but also to incite your rage against these people, either the ones who are discriminating or the ones who are being discriminated against. Against these people, either the ones who are discriminating or the ones who are being discriminated against. Both sides intend on keeping you in a limited frequency. You know what they won't tell you we are collectively the son of God, okay, and that each of you and me, each of you and me, we all have this divine spark of the creator. And when it is realized to our most beautiful potential, that is when we are expressing through Christ consciousness. So when Jesus says the way is through him, it is through the experience of Christ consciousness which lies in you. The second coming of Christ, yeah, that's when we all have the realization of this oneness.
Speaker 1:Interestingly enough, I would say, the majority that specifically use religion to discriminate do not have an active practice or even really an elementary understanding of what they are using as their means to discriminate. What they are doing is passage picking, and if they had a better understanding they would know how many inconsistencies and contradictions are in the Bible. But if you are only looking for verses and passages that support your belief in separation and your belief in division, they are readily available for you. If you would like a more in-depth understanding, not just of the inconsistencies, but what would have been meant, what was the context of the writing in that time? What was their understanding of marriage when they're writing about marriage, or understanding about homosexuality and sexual relationships at that time, if you would like it to come from data and not dogma, then I really encourage you to check out Dan McClellan.
Speaker 1:He's got a YouTube channel and a TikTok, but he is a biblical scholar and a linguist. He knows Hebrew and Greek and is able to understand what was meant by a specific word that was used in the original text, word that was used in the original text. And then we're taking out our decision to manipulate these phrases and these verses into what we need them to be to be the cornerstone of our judgment of other people. And so he's really interesting. He is not a Bible basher, he is a biblical scholar, but he doesn't use beliefs his personal beliefs or any group's beliefs in his understanding of what is happening. It is really just about understanding what was happening at that time, what this specific word means and how that could be interpreted. Anyway, it is really fascinating to understand it from that level, and when we do that, we can start understanding the true meaning behind the teaching, or understand when it has been manipulated for control back then because, say, one king was in charge and he needed these chapters removed to support his political prowess. It is important to have that context and that understanding, especially if you are using the text to discriminate against others, which I know is none of y'all. But all right, we're going to keep going through some issues, because it is really important for you to understand how this has all been manipulated to keep us small, because my ask is for you that we're going to stop this. This is a revolution where we stop allowing the mind control of our government by placing fear in our hearts. People are good. The people you hate are good. They have the same divine spark that you do.
Speaker 1:Another part of awakening is knowing that I am not Susan. I am not this flesh and bones. This is my ego personality. This is my avatar. This is my game piece on the board of life, but it is not who I am. I am the essence that is breathing life into this body. I am both divine masculine and divine feminine, and I have paraded around in various suits and various experiences, and this is the one I chose for this lifetime.
Speaker 1:Now, why do I tell you this? Because we have allowed the body to be a source of so much conflict. It has become so politicized what somebody is doing with a body. We are so fixated on body parts. My friend Derek lost his hand. He is no less who he was without that body part. I was no more of a woman when I had gigantic nursing boobs.
Speaker 1:Your body parts do not make up who you are, and the fixation on body parts is meant to stoke fear and separation and judgment and all of these things that keep our entire collective in a low vibration. They find ways to keep us separate. It is us versus them. There we are, there's your pronouns us and them. Those are the pronouns they want us to use, where it is separated all the time. When you start understanding that we collectively are essentially one and we are just experiencing aspects in different costumes, you will not judge people the same. You will see them as your brother or your sister and, even more, your entire reality will change when you start seeing them as yourself. That's just me expressing through a different experience. We are all here, like the whole game is to remember who you are. Remembering who you are has nothing to do with your body, because you are not your body. So if somebody's, like God doesn't make mistakes, I'll go ahead and tell you we choose our bodies, we choose where we're going into.
Speaker 1:Well, if you chose it, why would you want to change it? Well, I think of it as two reasons. If you have come into this lifetime and you have spent a hundred lifetimes coming in as a warrior, a soldier, a fighter, and you need to overcome your dominant trait of needing to be violent or controlling or something like that, you may choose to come in to a feminine body so that you could express differently. A feminine body so that you could express differently. However, if you are a soldier for real in this lifetime and they're like here could you wear this ball gown and these ballerina slippers? It might feel uncomfortable to you because it's something you have not expressed through before. So it could be that your goal is to be uncomfortable in your body, that you are working to change something, but you know, when we're on the other side of the veil it's really hard to understand that. It could be that your intention was to be uncomfortable in your body. It could be that you allowed yourself to come and be uncomfortable so the rest of us could learn tolerance, acceptance, perhaps that.
Speaker 1:And so when you go to judge somebody, just absolutely know that you do not know that soul's divine plan. You don't know it, you do not know the full picture, and so there is no sense in you trying to make sense of it. You don't understand what their soul's journey is, but just understand that they are expressing themselves and it's not hurting. You Don't come at me with any kind of bathroom conversation, because Jack, my old friend Jack, used to say locks, keep honest people out, which is so true. We lock our doors at night to keep honest people out, because if they want to break in, they're just going to go ahead and break a window or tear down your door. Same with a predator. I'm sorry, but your little sign that says man or woman on a bathroom is not keeping a predator out, but whatever. So I just want to say this, because when they are pitting us against different factions, when they are creating an enemy, it is to stir up your passion, to ignite your anger and get your support behind them, and all you're doing is saying I am separate and I am telling you you are not separate, we are one. They are keeping us in a low vibration by pitting us against each other.
Speaker 1:Since we're just getting after it today, I will tell you another issue that they use is abortion. Again, we are not our bodies and from my experience in hypnosis and through studying and through channeling, I will tell you that we choose our parents. We get to choose our parents and our likely experience, knowing our parents have free will and the course may get changed as they change, but we choose the experience to go into. So, on the other side, if there is a knowing that a baby is not going to make it to term, a soul would not select that baby. Or if a baby is born and lives a few days. The soul knows that it is going to provide essence to that baby for the experience of the family, and it will make another choice when it goes by. We are not our body, you are not your body, I am not my body. Nobody is the body of any baby. However, we can create this entire politicized issue because of our body identification. I'm not saying go kill a bunch of people. When we start accepting and raise the vibration of the planet, you don't have these kind of issues.
Speaker 1:However, I saw a post the other day and it was a woman minister and she posted that when she was younger she worked at an abortion clinic and she was writing about how all of these mothers experience so much grief and so much shame and was talking about her experience with them and then goes on to say how we really grieve for the mass casualties. They get a lot of attention. Meanwhile, there are murders every day at the hands of these women who are aborting their baby. So she simultaneously was extending compassion for the women who had had abortions and then providing the exact context for why they would have so much shame. This is what she's putting out. There is look how horrible you are. You are a murderer. Now let me tell you something. I have talked about David Hawkins' map of consciousness before. It gives a vibrational scale from zero to 1,000 for our emotions. So let me tell you, at the very bottom is shame, feelings of humiliation and despair. It has a score of 20 on the vibrational scale.
Speaker 1:Yet courage, taking responsibility for your actions and having a belief in the possibilities that things can get better, is a 200. Look at that jump. Most of America oscillates between fear, which is 100, and anger, which is 150. And this is because we have a 24-hour news cycle that keeps us in the vibration of anger and fear. We're either scared of what the other side is doing or we are mad about it, and honestly, mad is better than fearful. Isn't that wild.
Speaker 1:If you are somebody who has a personal growth plan, you might be going between courage and willingness, which is 310. You are actively taking steps to improve your personal experience. You know what's above that? Acceptance is 350. By just seeing others outside of ourselves and accepting them, by looking at our own experience, our own decisions, our own everything, and accepting it, we move up to 350. So why wouldn't they want us to accept each other, because they want to keep us down in the lower vibration.
Speaker 1:When you are in a lower vibration, you are in victim mode. When you are in victim mode, you are looking for other people, your religion, you are looking for your government, looking for other people, your religion, you are looking for your government. You are looking for community programs to help you because you don't feel empowered. You do not understand the power you have to change your circumstances. So as long as they can suppress you down into those low vibrations, you do not have the way to move up. That's the whole strategy. Y'all is to keep you in this low vibration so that you don't understand you actually don't need them. You can create a different reality and we would move from competition to collaboration.
Speaker 1:Because we understand the oneness, because I understand truly that that which you do to the least of these you do to me, I would understand that I want everyone to have their rights to know themselves, to be abundant, to know themselves, to be limitless, because they are me. Your government does not want you to know that. They want to keep you mad. They want to keep you limited. They want you to believe that somebody else coming across the border or from a different company or whatever it may be that they can take from you, because we live in a limited world with limited resources. It is only limited because we choose it to be so. We have a limited mindset. Therefore, we have experiences of limitations.
Speaker 1:When you understand the abundance, you do not worry about sharing, you do not worry about taking care of others and as you give out, it returns to you. But when we have this like, don't take mine, don't take mine, don't take mine, you are feeding the scarcity mindset. You are creating extended amounts of limitation, not just for yourself, but for the collective. We are feeding the monster that keeps us small. Know yourselves to be abundant. When you truly believe in your abundance, you start to experience life in a different way. When you truly believe that we are connected, you start experiencing people in a different way. When you truly believe that we are connected, you start experiencing people in a different way. They do not want you to know this. So this is a revolution and we fight with light.
Speaker 1:I know it's really hard and you feel like you need to know what's going on, and I'm going to tell you. You don't. You can turn that shit off, I didn't watch, and still you are presented with enough information to stay on top. And this is not one of those repeat history and we're not looking, so it's not happening it is. We did look, we did see. We are making changes, because how we make changes is by raising our level of consciousness. We are having experiences in this country that match the level of consciousness that our country has. If we would like to change our experiences, we have to change the level of consciousness that we have. So, even though it might feel hard for you to feel optimistic, for you to feel like there is promise, you have to understand that there is. To feel like there is promise, you have to understand that there is divine order in what is happening. I've gone with my daughter to talk about her teenage skin and she is nervous about any of the medications that could be offered because it gets worse before it gets better. So, you guys, that is called the purge. It is called the purge when you're dealing in dermatology and I see it as the purge. Now we are allowing the mess to come up to the surface so that we may know it in a new way, but you may not know it in a new way If you stay in the cycle of fear and anger.
Speaker 1:You can't, that is a low vibration. You can't, that is a low vibration. So when you turn it off and know that your contribution is by elevating your consciousness, by elevating the vibration that you hold, and so if we are talking about enlightened like Jesus running around here, his vibration would be that of 50 people in shame. That is how much of an impact one enlightened person. When you're talking about love, that's a vibration of 500. When you are talking about knowing joy, that is a vibration of 540. Peace is 600. We have to focus on elevating our own vibration to balance out the negative energy in this country.
Speaker 1:That is your job is to choose to break the cycle of anger and of fear and of guilt and of shame and just say actually, I'm here at this time on purpose and my job is to elevate the experience of all. How do you improve a campfire? By putting a log on yourself, not by distributing logs. You don't go to the people sitting around the campfire and be like here's a log for you and here's a log for you. You build your own fire and as your fire builds, more are able to warm in your presence. This is your job right now. Your job is to break the cycle of fear and anger. Your job is to put another log on your fire and knowing that by raising your vibration you are helping. So turning off the news is how you are doing a service to your neighbor, to your daughter, to your friends, to those that you feel are marginalized. What we have to do is raise the consciousness level, make them know that you are a safe space. If everybody knows that, in spite of what the government may do, the people are here and we'll protect them and we'll take care of them because we are them, because we are their experiences.
Speaker 1:The song that's playing in my head right now is look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now. I wish I could sing. I really, really do, but I can't. And there you have it. Because I couldn't. I don't think I could say it without singing it. But that's what's going on in my head is. It may seem crazy, but we've got a revolution going and the revolution is to fight with light. We're going to overcome what they have suppressed us for so long. They have created enemies, they have created separation, and we know better. We are waking up. You are not woke, you are awakened, and I invite you to join this revolution. I've been begging for a battalion and and you are they. So here we go. We'll see how long this Hamilton soundtrack is playing in my head and waking me up in my sleep, but that's where we are right now is I'm calling y'all to be my fighters, to be my battalion, to fight against this division and this separation. We're done with it, and so that even means, if you don't like what's going on as Trump takes over and writes all these executive orders, I still invite you to turn it off. I still invite you to focus on raising your vibration.
Speaker 1:How do you do that? You get out of the negative news cycle. They are meant to incite fear. When you are fearful, you turn on the news. You're just like what's next? What's next?
Speaker 1:When my in-laws were here, she was like y'all never watch the news, you know, don't? We need to check in on what's happening. Well, is it happening in my house? If something happens near me, certainly I'll know about it, but otherwise, how often are they showing you stuff that you wish you knew after you knew it? So I do turn it off and then, if you need to know when you need to rise up. You'll end up at Hamilton freaking three times in a month. That's what will happen. I promise you, spirit will get your attention when you need to take action. Okay, when you have to join a rebellion, you will have that call. You will get the memo to rise up, all right.
Speaker 1:So your whole job Mind Battalion is to raise your vibration. That is how you will serve your community. How are you going to do that? Gratitude, gratitude is a great way to raise your vibration. Gratitude is a high vibration and when we focus on what we are grateful for, we raise our own. You also create more experiences to be grateful for Meditation. This can be a guided meditation where you envision the life of your dreams, which elevates your vibration. It can be sitting in silence and trying to not have thoughts or just recognize your thoughts.
Speaker 1:For most of us, we stay in such a low vibration that having no thought is better than the thoughts we normally have. That's just the truth of it. So the more you quiet your mind, the more you elevate your vibration. Listen to music. That feels like fun If you need to bust out some 80s tunes while you are cooking dinner or riding in the car, whatever the music is that you can't stay still to, it just kind of makes you move a little bit. That is raising your vibration.
Speaker 1:I am a firm believer in dancing. All the time If I hear music I'm going to dance. Why? Because it raises my vibration. It's not just because I like it, but it feels good to me and it is a way to express and lift my mood and lift my frequency.
Speaker 1:Positive thinking we are bombarded with negative thoughts all the time. Witness the thought. You don't have to think it, you can reframe it. So if you think I am such a loser, then you say you are not a loser, you can get through this, you've got this. We can not attach to our thoughts. When you can hit that pause button on the remote, oh, I see a thought Pause. Is it a thought that I would like to have and if not, what thought would I like to replace it with? You are that powerful. You can start pausing In the pause. We have choice and that's how you react to someone else. It is what thoughts you choose to attach onto or release In. That pause between stimulus and action is your opportunity to choose and this is when you can elevate your vibration by choosing a response that feels in alignment with your high self.
Speaker 1:Eat nutrient-rich whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods and added sugars that lower your energy and have a lower vibration themselves. Move your body exercise, yoga, stretching, even going for a walk Any kind of movement will raise your vibration, especially if you can get out in nature. I cannot get out in nature right now because it is freezing in the south. I don't know what's happened, but it's no life for me. So I've been on a treadmill getting exercise, because even I go to a gym that doesn't have heat and I just can't show up there at seven in the morning when it's 17 degrees. I don't do cold. So there you have it. Be kind to people. Kindness, acts of service will raise your vibration. You know what else does Decluttering. When you purge, you get a vibrational lift from organizing and creating nice spaces. It impacts your energy.
Speaker 1:Limit your negative influences. If you have people that are not going to be part of our battalion and are stuck in the us versus them, the conflict, the separation, you might have to tune them out for a little while until you can lift them up, but those negative outside influences can bring you down. So be cautious of who you are engaging with. Whether it is shows that you're watching people you're talking to those that you engage with on social media, it is okay to protect your energy right now. You seriously, you've got a job to do. You have a job to do. I need you to take this job seriously, and if that means making some selective cuts about who you're engaging with right now, then you're just going to have to do that. That is an order from your commander. Y'all I could really do Hamilton quotes all day. I think I've given you enough instructions.
Speaker 1:It is really important that we decide that now we're done. We're done with this nonsense. We're done with the separation. We are done with hating people on the other side. They intend for us to be mad at the other side. When you start seeing us as one, you will start extending compassion to those who seem to come from a limited perspective. They've been trained to be this way. Send them compassion. Remember acceptance is so much higher. Accept that they came to their perspective through their own limited views. We have been conditioned to be like this, so extend compassion for them and as we lift, as we change the wattage of our bulbs, we will know more light. We can't but not. Is that even a sentence? I think so. All right, thanks for listening. I love you so much. Have a good week. Did you know that you can watch this video, as well as any episodes you've missed over, on my YouTube channel? Not only will you see my smiling face, but you can also check out my other videos. Don't forget to subscribe when you're there.