Wake Up with Susan

Journey with Me to the Mystical World of the Clairs and Intuitive Development

Susan Sutherland

Discover the secrets of spiritual growth and intuitive healing as I, Susan Sutherland, invite you on a journey of transformation. This week, while I am immersed in the mystical landscapes of Peru, you have the opportunity to explore the treasures of my YouTube channel. There's a wealth of content waiting to guide you in integrating journaling into your spiritual practice and uncovering the mysteries of the 'clairs'—including clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance. Get ready for the upcoming exploration of claircognizance, the enigmatic ability to simply "know" things without explanation.

Check out those videos and other podcast episodes here.

Even though a fresh podcast episode isn't coming your way this week, subscribing ensures you won't miss the enlightening stories I will share upon my return. As we navigate this path of spiritual awakening together, the podcast will automatically update in your RSS feed, keeping us connected. Let's continue to rise above our limitations, illuminate our lives, and be open to the wisdom I will bring back from my Peruvian adventure. Thank you for being part of this transformative journey—catch up with the current content, and I'll see you next week with tales to inspire and energize.

Connect with me on TikTok and Instagram

Speaker 1:

Rise and shine everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy and sometimes lonely journey, so let's do it together. I'm your host, susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor. We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it.

Speaker 1:

Hello, my family, as you are listening to this, if you listen as it comes out, anyway, I am in Peru. I am having, hopefully, the experience of a lifetime experiencing different plant medicines and having a true healing journey that I will be so excited to share with you upon my return. But I wanted to get on here and say this week, instead of a new episode, I would love to offer you an invitation to check out my YouTube channel. I've been uploading videos every week, including the podcast you can watch there, but there are videos on journaling and making journaling a spiritual practice, on the different clairs clairsentience, clairaudience and clairvoyance. The other clairs still to come is claircognizance, and it's my strongest, claire, but it's the trickiest to talk about, because if you just know something, you just know it. Right. How does that work? But anyway, that's going to be coming soon, but my channel is at SU Sutherland 222. And if you just look me up or check the show notes, you will have a link.

Speaker 1:

But since there's not a new episode for you this week, I invite you to go and see how you can strengthen your intuition or find out about your clairs or enhance your journaling practice. But thanks for tuning in and be sure to subscribe, because I'm gonna have some stories to tell. All right, you guys, I hope you are having a wonderful week and I'll be back next week. Bye, thank you so much for joining me this week. Be sure to not miss any upcoming episodes by subscribing to the podcast. That way, it's available automatically in your RSS feed. This is a crazy journey. Let's do it together.

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